13 Brand Names That We Have Always Mispronounced, and How to Actually Say Them
Try to pronounce the following brand names: Adidas, Hermès, Hugo Boss, Hyundai, Miele, and Ferrero Rocher. Surprisingly, it turns out that we have mispronounced most of them all our life.
At CHEERY, we’ve put together 13 famous brand names that most people tend to mispronounce.
1. Adidas
How you’re probably saying it: ah-DEE-duhs
How you should be saying it: AH-dee-dahs
When pronouncing this brand name, most people tend to put the stress on the second syllable, but it turns out it should be on the first one. The company is named after its founder, Adolf Dassler, who went by Adi. The brand name is a combination of his nickname and the beginning of the surname.
2. Moschino
How you’re probably saying it: mosh-chee-no
How you should be saying it: moss-key-no
The combination of the letters “sch” can be quite confusing. Not knowing what to choose, “sh” or “ch,” we tend to pronounce both sounds together. But in reality, the name of this Italian clothing brand is pronounced like “moss-key-no.”
3. Hermès
How you’re probably saying it: her-meez
How you should be saying it: air-mez
It looks like Hermès is named after a Greek messenger god. Moreover, the brand has a chariot on the logo. However, the name clearly shows the accent over the second letter “e,” while the deity Hermes doesn’t have it. The fact is that Hermès is the name of the company’s founder, and it’s a French name. It should be pronounced like “air-mez.” The letter “H” at the beginning is silent.
4. Balenciaga
5. Hugo Boss
How you’re probably saying it: hyoo-go baas
How you should be saying it: hoo-go baas
The name “Hugo” is usually pronounced in the American way. But since the company is German, the brand name should be pronounced slightly differently.
6. Givenchy
How you’re probably saying it: giv-en-chee
How you should be saying it: jee-vohn-shee
Givenchy is a French brand. The “g” and “ch” sounds in its name are soft, and the “i” has a rounded sound. Besides, the combination of the letters “ch” in French is pronounced differently — like “sh.”
7. L’Occitane
How you’re probably saying it: lok-see-tane
How you should be saying it: lox-ee-tahn
This French brand name gets all kinds of incorrect mispronunciations. But according to the rules of the French language, you need to say “lox-ee-tahn.”
8. NYX
9. Chevrolet
How you’re probably saying it: chev-ro-let
How you should be saying it: shev-ro-lay
Here we have the same problem with the combination of the letters “ch”, which is pronounced “sh” in French. Moreover, the letter “t” at the end is silent. You might think, “What does French have to do with it if the company is American?” The fact is that 2 of its founders were Swiss and had the French name Chevrolet.
10. Hyundai
How you’re probably saying it: hi-un-die
How you should be saying it: hun-day
When saying the name of this South Korean car brand, you are likely to add an extra vowel. But the brand, which means “modernity” in Korean, is pronounced “hun-day.”
11. Porsche
How you’re probably saying it: porsh
How you should be saying it: POR-shuh
The German car brand Porsche is probably the one that is mispronounced the most. The options vary from “porsh” to “POR-shay” or even “POR-shee.” To put the rumors to rest, the company released an official video explaining that the correct way to say it is “POR-shuh.” By the way, the name comes from a German word that means “offerings.”
12. Miele
13. Ferrero Rocher
How you’re probably saying it: fuh-reh-ro ro-shay
How you should be saying it: fuh-RREH-rro RO-shay
Unlike previous brands, this one is even more difficult. The name of this famous chocolate is a mixture of Italian and French.
The founder of the company, Italian businessman Michele Ferrero, named the chocolate after a grotto in the Roman Catholic shrine of Lourdes, Rocher de Massabielle. Rocher comes from French and means rock. In fact, the English pronunciation is quite close to the original but with elements of the countries of origin, such as the rolling Rs, and putting less emphasis on the first few vowels.
Do you know any other brands that are usually mispronounced? Tell us in the comments below.