12 Celebrities Who Adopted Children and Gave Them a Ticket to a Happy Life
Despite having tight schedules and being busy all the time, many celebrities don’t place their careers over everything else. So, the people from this compilation release music hits and appear in huge movies, but at the same time, they are loving and caring adoptive parents.
We at CHEERY decided to learn more about the stars who adopted a child (or several) to make their lives happier.
Jillian Michaels
Jullian Michaels adopted her daughter, Lukensia, from Haiti, in 2012. The process took 2 long years. When the girl finally got a visa, Jullian came to take her daughter. The meeting was very emotional: Jullian explained that Lukensia was very sad that her future mother left for such a long time after they first met, but after her being adopted, she was with her mother all the time. Michaels also has a son, Phoenix, from her ex-partner Heidi Rhoades.
Frances McDormand

Frances McDormand and her husband Joel Coen adopted Pedro from Paraguay in 1995, when the boy was 6 months old. The actress shared her thoughts about motherhood, “As a mother, you live on the edge of disaster. You just do. I didn’t give birth to my son, I met him at six months old, but from the minute I held him and smelled him, I knew it was my job to keep him alive”.
Viola Davis

Viola and her husband adopted Genesis in 2011 when she was still tiny. The girl followed in her mother’s footsteps and wants to be an actress: in 2019, she voiced a character in The Angry Birds Movie 2. The actress loves her daughter very much, “Always tell Genesis she was born from my heart, not my belly”.
Kristin Davis
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted a 7-year-old girl, Gemma, and a 1-year-old boy, in 2018. She says that raising African-American children helped her see a lot of prejudices in the society. “It’s one thing to be watching it happening to other people and it’s another thing when it’s happening to your child — and you haven’t personally been through it,” she shared tearfully. Kristin tries to understand her children better, so she’s constantly learning new things about the African culture.
Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan adopted a daughter, Daisy, from China, in 2006. She raises her as a single mom. She says, “She’s a good hang, and she’s easy. She’s very smart and very generous. I love that she’s funny. I love that. I just can’t imagine what it was like before she came”.
Connie Britton
Connie adopted Yoby, in 2011, from Ethiopia. The actress said it was hard for her to be an adoptive parent at the beginning, but she was sure she’ll do anything to protect her child, “I will be a mama bear to the end”.
Rosario Dawson

Rosario Dawson adopted her daughter in 2014 when the girl was 11 years old. The actress was ready to adopt since she found out her father was not her biological father. This is what Dawson tells about her experience, “To have a young person move in with you and to have to really consciously work through triggers and that kind of stuff is a really different thing than being pregnant and having your baby grow up in front of you”.

Madonna adopted 4 children: twins Estere and Stella, David, and Mercy. Lately, her relationship with her children has become weaker and the singer blames mobile phones. She says that she has the strongest relationship with her first adopted son David, “What he has more than anything is focus and determination. I’m pretty sure he got it from me. He’s the one I have the most in common with. I feel like he gets me. He has more of my DNA than any of my children so far”.
Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron adopted 2 children: Jackson in 2012 and August in 2015. In 2019, Theron revealed that her son Jackson is actually a girl. He wears dresses, and she’s not going to do anything about it. She says, “They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide”.
Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl and singer Josh Kelly got married in 2007. In 2009, they adopted a girl from South Korea. In 2012, they had their second adopted daughter, and in 2016, the actress gave birth to a son. Katherine has a South Korean sister Meg, so she knew she wanted to adopt a child from Korea, “We have talked about having biological children as well, but we decided to adopt first. I just wanted to be a mom. So however we do that, it’s fine by me.”
Julia Andrews
Julia Andrews married Blake Edwards in 1969. In the 1970s, the couple adopted 2 daughters: Amy in 1974 and Joanna in 1975. “And besides being a stepmother, I’m an adoptive mother, too. I have my natural-born daughter and Blake’s two children, and then we adopted two children... Can you imagine the hodge-podge?”, said Julia in 2015.
Denise Richards

Denise adopted Eloise in 2011, almost right after her birth. Even though the girl has health and development issues, the actress always keep telling her how much she loves her, “I love you so much, Sami girl. I’m so proud of you. You’re beyond beautiful inside and out, and so compassionate”. Denise has 2 other daughters from her previous marriage.
What celebrity do you think is an exemplary parent?