15+ Inspiring No-Makeup Selfies That Made Us Want to Follow the Example of These Self-Confident Ladies
Researchers did an experiment. They asked girls to look at selfies online and track their mental state. It turned out that there’s a direct link between other people’s photos on social media and our mood. The more often we see perfect selfies, the sadder we feel and vice versa.
We at CHEERY decided to improve our readers’ mood and share photos of women who have posted no-makeup selfies of themselves and still feel great.
“Here’s some pictures of me without makeup, I’ve gained some confidence!”
“If I ever go missing, they’d better remember to use the photo of me without makeup.”
“Without makeup and with makeup!”
“I didn’t wear any makeup for my wedding, and I’ve never felt more beautiful.”
“I’m terrified of showing my bare face to anyone, but here (1: me without makeup, 2: me with makeup).”
“Far from perfect, but today was the first day I had zero active acne and felt comfortable enough to go outside without any makeup, so that’s a win in my book.”
“Anyone can look good with or without makeup, and that we are all naturally beautiful.”
“My first ever no-makeup and no-filter selfie. People have been saying I wear too much makeup.”
“I hated my skin, so I didn’t take any pictures of myself without makeup, but I found one when I was a few months into my routine. This shows the improvement in my skin texture.”
“I have been told that I’m ugly before. I don’t wear makeup at all.”
“As a trans woman, I’m so terrified to be seen without makeup, but every once in a while I feel beautiful.”
“New here! Feeling vulnerable posting naked face with no makeup, but here we go!”
“No makeup, no filter, just me being happy in my own skin. Feels good!”
“I’m so tired of drawing on my eyebrows and wearing makeup in general. However, I’m trying hard not to be self-conscious about having a bare face.”
“No makeup, I’ve always been extremely insecure without it, but I’m becoming more confident!”
“This is me without makeup. Plus no editing and no filter on the photo. Sometimes I hate having freckles.”
“Sleep deprived? Nope. Just genetic dark circles.”
“I love doing my makeup, but started with a makeup-free day a week some time back and now I’m up to 5-6 days a week and I’m feeling great about it.”
“When people compliment how ‘flawless’ my skin is... Meanwhile, I think I’ve perfected the natural no makeup look.”
In your opinion, what character traits do girls show when they post no-makeup selfies?
Preview photo credit datgworl / Reddit
Cheery/People/15+ Inspiring No-Makeup Selfies That Made Us Want to Follow the Example of These Self-Confident Ladies
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