
15+ People Told About the Things That Totally Changed for Them After The Age of 30

While we enjoy our youth, we think that 30 years old is a line where life changes quite a lot. It is kind of true, but it doesn’t mean that life becomes worse or more boring, it’s just that some things become less enjoyable, and some of our hobbies are replaced with new ones.

We at CHEERY couldn’t walk past these stories from users who describe how their lives have changed after the age of 30 and what things they have reconsidered.

  • I am finding that anything loud (voices, music, TV, etc.) is turning into noise for me. I am surprised by how much my tolerance for ambient sound has drastically decreased. © Catching-ZzZ / Reddit
  • Binging sugary goodness. When I was in my early 20s, I could eat mass amounts of food just fine. Coming up 30 this year, and I can’t even eat a few mallow puffs without a stomachache. © caution_cat / Reddit
  • Dance clubs. To be fair, I hated them in my 20s too, but by the time I hit 30 I wouldn’t be caught dead in one. Loud music, strobe lights and having to scream to speak, I just don’t get it. © iconoclast63 / Reddit
  • Honestly, about 72 degrees. It used to be comfortable, even cool... But now I’m old and need a solid 67, or I can’t sleep. © stuckinthesun31 / Reddit
  • I always think of dating when I was in my 20s vs my 30s. Met lots of flakes, cheaters, and general weirdos in my 20s. Hit my 30s and realized the women I was dating now had their stuff together (for the most part), and the whole cheating thing was pretty much gone. © da_london_09 / Reddit
  • My friends and I recently had a board game weekend retreat. Our snacks were mostly fruit and vegetables with one bag of chips. We had only one meal with meat, the rest were healthy vegetarian meals because we didn’t want to over do it. We also talked about playing board games until 4 am, but ended up doing to bed at 11 every night instead. I felt like we were old men on the concept of a board game retreat instead of a rager on the lake. But every decision after that reminded me that we’re all almost 40. © Santos_L_Halper / Reddit
  • Apparently, eating salty things. I’m 34 and if I eat too many chips or fast food or basically anything with too high of a sodium content, I know I’m gonna be feeling it the next day. I get awful headaches. © Chellbelle23 / Reddit
  • I’m in my late 20s, have a job and responsibilities. Sometimes when I get off work exhausted, I don’t wanna go party and go out. I just want to stay home and play video games. © Chappellshow / Reddit
  • Past thirty, there are two things you pony up for: your own hotel room and movers. Friends are for hanging out, not cheap manual labor and discounts on hotel accommodations. © grammar_oligarch / Reddit
  • I’m convinced that nothing good has happened at an after party ever. I spent my most of my 20s going to any after party possible, thinking it would be some holy grail of fun. Nope. Not even close. Half of the times I’d just end up driving most of the girls home because I’d be the only non-creepy dude left, and they’d use me as an excuse to jump ship. © Greylings / Reddit
  • Getting into arguments over the internet. Isn’t cool at all, but sometimes you feel cool doing it. Especially if you have people agreeing with you. © Alissan_Web / Reddit
  • Wasting time on friendships that don’t impact you in a positive way. I spent my 20s taking care of everyone else instead of myself. I don’t have time for that stuff anymore. They can go to therapy. I am. © KittyGravesYT / Reddit
  • When you get older, bailing on plans last minute is a big deal because you don’t have the full social schedule you used too. In your 20s, 10 friends might meet up at a friend’s house on a random Tuesday. In your 30s, plans are a much bigger deal. You prepare for them, and it sucks to have someone flake at the last minute. © esoteric_enigma / Reddit
  • Teenager or early 20s: “Yo, we can save money by booking the 7am return flight and not paying for accommodation. Let’s just stay at the club until 5am or sleep on the airport floor!”
    30-year-old: “I’d rather die”. © Gravesens1stTouch / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, my mum always complained about the voices of cartoon characters. Guess what I complain about nowadays. As if all they do in cartoons is screaming, shouting, laughing, and acting surprised. “Uuuh?”, “Aaaah!”, “Ooh?”, “Weeeehhhh!”. And always with sirens in the background or those cheap sound effects they overuse when someone hits a wall or drops a metal object on the floor. © gravity_is_right / Reddit
  • As a single person entering the dating scene again in their thirties, hot person stuff. You could get away with being a flake and playing games in your twenties, but in your thirties you’re just waving red flags in people’s faces. © kinghuxley / Reddit

What things have changed for you after you’ve reached your 30s?

Cheery/People/15+ People Told About the Things That Totally Changed for Them After The Age of 30
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