18 Reasons Why Anna Kendrick Deserves the Universal Love She Has
Both in movies and real life, Anna Kendrick looks modest, especially when she says that she doesn’t think she’s very attractive. She’s fun, talented, and kind. This is probably why her fans love her so much. We decided to tell you why Anna deserves the love and respect of the audience.
Anna Cooke Kendrick was born on August 9, 1985, into the family of accountant Janice (née Cooke) and history teacher William Kendrick. She has an older brother Michael, who is also an actor, but he mostly appears in small roles. Anna has English, Irish, and Scottish roots.
She started her career as a theater actress. Her first main role was in 1998 in a Broadway play High Society, for which she got a Tony nomination. Her movie debut was in Camp (2003), and 4 years later, she was in the comedy Rocket Science. But her breakthrough role was after the first Twilight (2008) film appeared, where she portrayed Bella’s friend.
The next film, Up in the Air (2009) made her even more popular and gave her Oscar and Golden Globe nominations. Since that, her career has been developing quickly. So, by the age of 37, she has appeared in more than 50 movies, shorts, web series, and TV series.
Kendrick is famous not only because she’s talented, but she’s also welcoming, has a great sense of humor, is down-to-earth, and is accessible to her fans. And they love her too. We decided to talk about 18 reasons for why so many people love Anna Kendrick and adore her.
1. Anna is fun and she loves a good joke.
2. She loves animals.
On her Instagram, there are a lot of photos that show her hugging different animals. She loves red pandas because she thinks they look like babies. “I just want to have a pet [red panda] just wandering around the house, being naughty and causing mischief, chewing up my DVDs. Oh, that’s my dream,” she said.
3. She’s very down to earth and doesn’t act like a star.
Anna is very welcoming and genuine. She sleeps on a single IKEA bed, wears sweatpants, and thinks that corgis are the cutest creatures ever.
Kendrick says that it’s hard for her to be in public, especially because she doesn’t feel like a star. She sometimes just wants to wear the same clothes 3 days in a row.
4. Kendrick knows how to set personal boundaries.
The actress told that she once dated a guy that loved tickling her. She didn’t enjoy it, and she told him about it, but he thought it was silly and not even a problem, so he didn’t stop.
She later shared, “I broke up with him. You wouldn’t want to be the girl he tells his friends about as ‘Oh, she broke up with me because I tickled her.‘ No, I broke up with you because I told you something was important to me, and you didn’t respect that.”
5. She’s not fixated on appearances.
Kendrick is one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. But she doesn’t even think she’s attractive. She says, “And I’m happy I’m not supposed to be on the 50 Most Beautiful list all the time, because that would be super stressful.”
6. There are meals named after her.
7. She can eat Taco Bell only after midnight.
In a TV show, the actress said she liked eating Taco Bell only at a certain time. “It’s a dirty thing that I love Taco Bell so much. I cannot, cannot eat Taco Bell before midnight. It’s like a reverse Gremlins thing. It has to be under the cover of darkness in my car. I drive out of my way for the one with the drive-thru... and I’ll just eat it in my car,” she said.
8. She wrote a best-selling memoir.
Once, Anna Kendrick had a long break between roles. In order not to lose time, she wrote a memoir, Scrappy Little Nobody, which became a bestseller.
Anna says, “My goals for this book were to make people laugh, to feel connected to people, and maybe get people to feel more connected to me.” The book is about her childhood, her Broadway career during her teenage years, her movie career, and also her performances at the Oscar Awards.
9. Anna loves pyjamas.
10. She cleans up the wardrobe herself and eagerly talks about it.
In 2015, the actress cleaned up her wardrobe, wrote a Tweet and got more than 100,000 responses from the fans, who were also happy to know that stars have the same wardrobe problems as ordinary people.
Anna tweeted, “Quick question, why are H&M hangers the best? Both shirt and pant. Can I buy them? For real. I’m organizing, and those velvet hangers are a LIE.”
Anna’s fans agree with her opinion that H&M are the best.
11. She handles stressful situations very well.
In September 2022, during the Toronto International Film Festival, the star of Alice, Darling got stuck in an elevator with other members of the press tour. But the actress didn’t worry, she was joking and supporting other people around her. “It was so absurd that it would happen on a film press tour that it just seemed so immediately comical. I couldn’t stop cracking jokes. Although, maybe that’s a defense mechanism,” says Kendrick.
Thanks to the kind Canadian firefighters, all 7 people were rescued.
12. She helps charity organizations.
The actress is always ready to help charity organizations — she supports at least 19 different foundations. And she once spent a day at the hospital, helping Lipstick Angels do makeup sessions and beauty procedures for the women of the institution.
13. Her sense of style is amazing.

Kendrick is always in the first row during fashion shows. She is the girl that can find a delicate balance between classic and eclectic styles that many people struggle with.
14. She gives honest answers even to awkward questions.
When she was asked about her first kiss, she said, “I remember trying to French kiss for the first time at a camp that I was sent to at age 12. I was thinking, ‘Oh no, this is a mess. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to deal with this for my entire adult life.’ At first, it was a struggle to nail the mechanics of it, but at some point, I figured it out.”
15. She can rap.
16. She will soon direct a film.

In 2023, she’s going to make her debut as a director with The Dating Game. The 37-year-old actress is also going to play the main character in the film based on true events. Anna is going to play Sheryl, “the young woman whose life hung in the balance as her fairy tale date took a dark and twisted turn.”
17. She speaks her mind about motherhood.
18. She’s won a lot of different awards.

She has received more than 60 awards and nominations, including Satellite, 5 Teen Choice Awards, 3 MTV Movie Awards, Oscar nominations, Primetime Emmy Awards, and Tony nominations. Kendrick is one of the youngest actresses to be nominated for the “Triple Crown of Acting.”
Are you interested in the life and creative path of this amazing actress?