
19 Photos Which Prove That There’s Enough Kindness for Everyone in This World

Most of us, unfortunately, don’t get to spend every day with kind and sensitive people. So how wonderful it is that there are Internet users who don’t let us forget that hope for humanity is not lost. We’ve decided to spread this sentiment and made a compilation of photos that will help you remember that there is, after all, enough kindness in this world to go around.

“My dad has utility workers installing fiber in his neighborhood. He set out a refreshment stand for them.”

“My dog passed on Sunday from dilated cardiomyopathy, and Chewy sent flowers to commiserate her.”

“My son is on the ASD spectrum, he’s very verbal and helpful to people. Recently, he received an award for helping his other autistic friends communicate their needs.”

“In this case, I made myself smile... I snore terribly, so last time I was forced to sleep in a hostel (for a festival), I gave out earplugs.”

“This little dude helped my daughter put her shoes on when his mom and I were talking. I made sure to tell him how awesome he was for being a helpful dude. Warmed my heart”

“Got my 8-gallon pin today from the American Red Cross. Eight gallons of blood donated over the last 20 years.”

“Log trucker stops to help someone change their tire.”

“Removing a thread from pigeon claws”

“Every year, this goose builds her nest atop a giant wood chip (boiler fuel) pile at our power plant. The guys carving away the pile without endangering her or the eggs...”

“Our neighbour doesn’t have Wi-Fi, so we talked her through joining ours. Once on, she received 70 messages from her children living overseas.”

“Was having a rough shift at work and found this at one of the tables. Safe to say it made it a lot better”

“Finished these mittens for a friend of mine with a limb difference, and she loved them”

“One of my regulars handed me this and told me I deserve better, after she found out I was going through a rough breakup. I keep it in my wallet to remind myself every day.”

“I invited a baker to be a guest on my podcast, and she brought a cake for me and the other hosts to share while we interviewed her. Sweetest gesture ever (literally)”

“A restaurant near my house has a mini fridge on the sidewalk with free meals for anyone who needs one.”

“Someone left free winter gear in my parking ramp at work.”

“Quarters lined up for the shopping cart fee at a shop.”

“A year ago, my little sister left this world. This weekend her heart recipient met my mom and shared her heartbeat.”

“We couldn’t get our newborn baby to stop crying at the restaurant.”

“So we started to pack up to go home when the couple sitting next to us offered to hold him so we could enjoy a night out. Our baby slept on this kind stranger’s shoulder the entire evening!”

What kind souls have you met on your journey through life?

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Cheery/People/19 Photos Which Prove That There’s Enough Kindness for Everyone in This World
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