
20+ People That Managed to Show a Dramatic Story Just Through one Photo

Life is full of wonders, so be ready to be taken by surprise, but these surprises are not always as pleasant as we wish. And while some people just can’t recover from all the lemons that life gives them, others find a good fail to be hilarious, and the world is their oyster. Some of these stories are so good, that they could be a plot for a Hollywood movie.

1. “I got ’I don’t know’ in Chinese tattooed on my arm to confuse people who ask what my tattoo means.”

2. “Trying to watch a movie on the airplane.”

You can borrow my 2 y.o. He’ll take care of that for you. © Stillentwint17 / reddit

3. “Went to Costco to grab a rotisserie chicken for the weekend, but this lady beat everyone to it.”

4. “Parking drama”

5. “My son parked his truck in the wrong neighborhood. He learned an expensive lesson today.”

6. “Told my husband I was pregnant for April Fool’s Day. We just had a baby a few months ago. He took it...well.”

7. “Student handed this in today.”

8. “Every single grape in the bag has seeds.”

9. “Welp...there goes her new bed.”

10. “My sister’s boyfriend thought a rock, from his backyard, was a good Christmas gift for her...”

11. Couldn’t miss a chance to take a picture of that camo door.

12. “Finally got my license, it came expired!”

13. “My brother got this pizza in Rome, Italy”

14. “My popcorn got stuck, so I tried buying the chip bags on the top to knock it all down and got this.”

15. “The space my wife gives me to sleep on our queen size bed”

16. “Finally made a good lattice crust then I went and knocked my cactus onto it.”

17. “The way this banner fell.”

18. “Instead of cleaning up the sugar he spilled, my boyfriend decides this is perfectly reasonable instead.”

19. “My sister was about two weeks old when I realized that we were keeping her and I was no longer an only child.”

20. “So we had pizza and tears for dinner. So much for that Shepherd’s pie.”

21. “I sure loved my kitty when I was a child.”

What was the funniest fail that you’ve ever seen? How do you react to unexpected problems?

Preview photo credit carlitos_sagan / reddit
Cheery/People/20+ People That Managed to Show a Dramatic Story Just Through one Photo
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