
20+ Photos That Demonstrate What True Love Is Better Than Any Romance Novel

They write novels, poems and songs about love. But the real proof of the sincerity of those feelings are deeds, not words. Only those who truly love know what they need to do to show their care and attentiveness.

«I never had a birthday celebrated as a child. My partner sings happy birthday every year for 7 years. My son sings it for the first time. I love these guys.»

«I’m a huge fox lover, so my boyfriend made this lil guy for me all by himself, I’m so proud.»

«My husband constructed me a bouquet made from Lego.»

«My partner know how much I love puzzles, but because I have arthritis, sorting though the pieces is really hard on my hands and back.»

«This morning, I woke up and every single piece was laid perfectly flat around the table for me to work on. The little things she does make me feel so loved!»

«Van Gogh birthday cake my husband made me. I loved it.»

“My BF knows how much I love Pixar’s Up, this was a bonus late Christmas present.”

«I’m pregnant with our first baby, and I’m so tired and nauseous. Everything makes me feel sick. So when something does sound good, my husband makes it for me.»

«I (23F) have never received flowers from any previous partners. I mentioned it casually in conversation last week, and my date bought me a bouquet yesterday.»

“My wife wanted a comically large cutting board, so....”

«Husband who is very inexperienced in cooking made me this dinner of crusted lamb, polenta, and carrots. Lots of effort!»

“I work in healthcare and badge reels are definitely my guilty pleasure. My BF came home with this for me. I wish he’d just marry me already.”

“I took apart, repainted, and reassembled a model car to match my boyfriend’s actual car. I even made little custom license plates! Took almost a year but it’s finally done!”

«Last week I pointed out this cute tea advent calendar while out shopping with my partner. This morning I found it hanging on our door. It’s the little things.»

“Boyfriend got me a PuppyCat hat for Christmas and I’m in love!”

“I built my husband a walnut shave stand for Christmas. All joints are hand done and it’s finished with a hard post-cat finish to withstand the moisture in the bathroom.”

«My bf made me a sandwich for work and showed me this.»

«I made a mug shelf for my wife for Christmas!»

«My partner made me this jar for Christmas, it was full of small envelopes with little things I do that I didn’t even know anyone noticed. I definitely didn’t cry.»

“As a young girl I always wanted a LOTR’s lunchbox but was told by my mother it was ‘too boyish.’ It’s my birthday and this is what my husband got me.”

«I’ve wanted a golden retriever for 25 years, well my husband finally got me one.»

“My wife has been really depressed lately. So when she asked me to dress up to go to our niece’s Frozen-themed party, I agreed to dress up.”

«My mum got married to my now-stepdad on Tuesday before he goes in for a bone marrow transplant operation.»

«He got the results of his PET scan and the stage IV aggressive cancer in his heart and abdomen is gone. What a wedding present.»

What are some of the simplest actions that are the surest proof of love for you?

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Cheery/People/20+ Photos That Demonstrate What True Love Is Better Than Any Romance Novel
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