
50 Times The Perfect Alignment of Events Left People Astonished and They Felt Compelled to Record It

The precise pouring of a coffee machine that fills a cup to its fullest extent can be a thing of beauty, just as the organized stacking of personal items, resembling Tetris blocks in a moving truck, can bring an appreciation for the ordinary.

1. «How this wood is stacked»

2. A perfect fit

3. «Watching „Big“ at a hotel, and Josh’s mom talking to the microwave»

4. «I sold my sofa over facebook. Buyer sent me this photo»

5. «I thought I lost my wedding ring on a cross country road trip. I called gas stations, pawn shops, searched lost and found post»

6. «BirdPerson»

7. «The way all the veins in the rocks line up»

8. «Does this count?»

9. «My neighbors tree fits perfectly in my window»

10. «Finally got a picture of my cat looking at the camera»

11. «My Wife did the Toblerone thing at the Matterhorn today. Couldn’t have asked for better weather»

12. «When you have a huge monitor and a nice view at the same time»

13. «How well our movers Tetris’d our stuff»

14. «Taken at Royal University of Phnom Penh»

15. «We’ve been needing a little countertop for the space between the fridge and the stove and I got this one today by eyeballing it and hoping it fit when I got it home»

16. «The London Eye fitting almost perfectly in the toilet window»

17. «My little cozy little couch corner»

18. «I wonder what he is looking at»

19. «So satisfying»

20. «The reflection of an identical car from window perfectly matches»

21. «Perfect parking space»

22. «Didn’t stop meowing until he was in the cup»

23. Perfect fit coffee

24. «Wrapped a gift and accidentally lined up the cut-off edge perfectly»

25. «I glanced down at my notes and saw that this punch hole just happened to be perfectly aligned»

26. «Perfect fit»

27. «How perfectly our cereal boxes fit in this shelf in our dorm»

28. «Chai in a beaker! Our science classroom’s hedgehog went missing and this is how we found her»

29. «My younger brother (20) is training to be a driver for our moving company»

30. «Hand mirror managed to line up perfectly on its own»

31. «This rattlesnake was found bathing in the puddle created from a cow hoofprint»

32. «This hair tie stuck in my shoe tread»

33. «Saw my son’s flip flops and decided to try them on. Perfect fit!... For my toes»

34. «Couldn’t find my sunglasses in the car»

35. «Got this pasta wheel stuck in my spatula while making lunch»

36. «I’m not sure they entirely thought this through»

37. «Accidentally dropped tuna can in my sink»

38. «This dog between the fridge and the oven»

39. «Took a picture of my cousin at their wedding table and it caught the grooms nose»

40. «Turns out lego bricks have a perfect fit on my keyboard»

41. «A truck built for that TV specifically»

42. «Our doormat fits perfectly into our new place entrance»

43. «Water from the faucet in my office bathroom goes straight through the middle of the sink drain!»

44. «Parked my car perfectly in the morning so that it would still be 100% in the shade by the afternoon. This is peak Arizona parking.»

45. «How these clam shells fit together»

46. «Secret gift... Xbox in chip box perfect fit»

47. «Aldi stroopwafel and Starbucks mug — I had a religious experience this morning and my family thought I was nuts»

48. «The way this dog face pillow lined up with my dog napping on it»

49. «This shadow on my walk»

50. «I know it’s not the usual fare but I was oddly satisfied by how the Dino nuggies fit»

Cheery/People/50 Times The Perfect Alignment of Events Left People Astonished and They Felt Compelled to Record It
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