13 Stars Who Have Turned 60 and Proved Everyone That it’s Just a Number
In the US, the age of retirement is 67, in the UK it’s 65 and in India, up until 2022, people could retire at the age of 60. However, the birth certificate doesn’t always reflect a person’s true age and as people live longer, we also find that “old age” comes much later than we might have thought. After all, at 60, life is just beginning!
Here at CHEERY, we remembered some of our favourite celebrities, who turned 60 in the past year, but aren’t planning on passing the torch. And as a bonus, we’ve included two famous ladies, whose diamond jubilee is just around the corner.
Tom Cruise

On the 3rd of July, Tom Cruise said goodbye to his 50s. Ahead of his birthday celebrations, the actor decided to hang out at Adele’s concert in London, and on the day, he threw a party at Cotswold. Tom is truly lucky since he doesn’t look his age and generally keeps in great physical shape. His secret — regular, active exercise.
Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey’s birthday is in January. On the 17th, to be exact. This year, on his 60th birthday, the famous comedian shared a wonderful video with his followers, in which he portrayed a pensioner and spoke about his age. The video was accompanied by an equally striking statement: “I’m old but I’m gold!”.
Marcia Cross

It’s hard to believe, but this “Desperate Housewives” star has also joined the ranks of those over 60. Joshua Sasse and Kevin Cahoon were the first to congratulate the actress on her birthday with a midnight serenade.
Meg Ryan

For Meg Ryan, 2021 was the big year. She celebrated her 60th birthday, on the 19th of October. Not many can boast this, but the actress has an asteroid named after her.
Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi celebrated his jubilee on the 2nd of March. On that day, standing on the balcony with a sincere smile on his face, he addressed the fans and thanked them for their warm wishes. “I’m a very lucky man” — the musician declared proudly.
Gina Gershon

Gina Gershon is a summer girl. On the 10th of June, the American actress, who rose to fame for her roles in “Showgirls” and “Coherence”, celebrated her big day. The morning after the celebration, Gershon thanked her followers for their wonderful wishes and shared the vibrant aftertaste of her birthday party.
Woody Harrelson

Looking at Woody Harrelson, you’d never know he turned 60 in July 2021. In an interview just before his 60th birthday, the actor revealed the secret to his positive attitude: “You don’t sit and look at your own life and think about the things you are upset about”. In addition, yoga, meditation and sports have been faithful companions in Harrelson’s daily life for years.
Jennifer Coolidge

Jennifer Coolidge is another celebrant who crossed the “60” threshold last year. The actress, beloved by audiences for her role as Stiffler’s Mom in the acclaimed American Pie franchise, is back on the cusp of popularity.
Her most recent role as Tanya McQuoid on HBO’s “The White Lotus”, earned her an Emmy nomination for the first time in her career. “I get the best role I’ve been offered so far,” the actress proudly declared in an interview.
Laurence Fishburne
Laurence Fishburne celebrated his 60th birthday at the end of July 2021. Shortly beforehand, the Matrix star divorced his wife of just over 15 years. The 60-year-old bachelor is not ashamed of his age and openly declares his readiness for a new relationship.
Rosie O’Donnell
This American comedienne joined the ranks of 60+ celebrities on the 21st of March. Despite her age, Rosie O’Donnell is an active user of social media. On her birthday she shared a picture of the bouquet she had received with an enthusiastic caption: “I am 60! how did that happen so quickly?”
Paula Abdul

Matthew Broderick

On 21st of March, the American actor and singer marked his 60th birthday. But this wasn’t the end of his family’s celebrations. Shortly after, on the 25th of March, his wife, Sarah Jessica Parker, had her birthday, too. And to wrap it all up, on the 19th of May the two celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, which Sarah Jessica Parker reverently announced in her blog.
Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow proudly accepted her status as a 60+ celebrity on the 11th of February. The singer told her fans that on her day she was spoiled by the attention of family and close friends. She followed by summing up the past year and sharing her plans for the future.
Bonus 1. You wouldn’t have guessed it, but the gorgeous Demi Moore is turning 60 on the 11th of November.
Bonus 2. And shortly after, on the 19th of November, Jodie Foster will be celebrating her 60th, as well.

What do you think, does life change dramatically once you reach 60?