
Milla Jovovich Had a Third Child at 44, and Here’s How She Handles Raising Her Girls

At the beginning of August 2019, Milla Jovovich wrote on her Instagram page that she was pregnant. The actress said that when she found out about her pregnancy, she felt a wide range of different feelings, including anxiety because having a child at her age might be difficult. She said, “To be 44 and pregnant is already such a miracle.”

But everything went well — she had a girl called Osian, and Milla became a mom of 3 girls. She regularly shares photos with her subscribers, telling them about the everyday life of their family and saying how lucky she is to have such people in her life.

Milla thinks that Paul is a great husband and father.

The actress met her husband, director Paul Anderson, in 2002 while working on the film Resident Evil. Around a year later, Paul proposed to Milla, but they got married only in 2009 when they already had a 2-year-old daughter, Ever.

Their second child, Dashiel Edan, was born in 2015, and in February 2020, they had Osian. Paul supported Milla during all of her pregnancies, and she always thanks him for his care and attention.

“He loved me for many years, he supported me when I was down. He helped deliver our 3 kids, he stayed up all night with me rocking and feeding and changing their endless diapers, he has put all his time and energy into loving each of them and playing countless, exhausting games of Barbies. I couldn’t imagine my life without him by my side,” the actress once wrote on her blog on Valentine’s Day.

The actress gives enough attention to all the children.

She knows how important it is to speak in private with each of the girls, and they regularly have “mother and daughter” days. Once, they went walking to a park with 7-year-old Dashiel. The girl was running around the snow and talking about all sorts of things, and Milla was watching her, thinking that moments like that stay in our memories forever.

Milla knows how to solve conflicts between kids.

In big families, arguments and misunderstandings are inevitable, but it’s not very difficult for the actress to calm down her children. She once posted a photo of her oldest and middle daughters sitting on a bench, having a time-out to reflect on their behavior and make peace.

She has a sense of humor in all situations.

Milla can have fun with her kids, even in moments when she is hurt. She once shared photos of herself applying a wet towel to her face.

The actress wrote, “Happy Sunday! This is for the moms who get headbutted by their kids on their day off. There’s the culprit in the next shot looking very pleased with herself.”

The actress is always ready to support her kids.

Milla’s oldest daughter has already started a movie career. You might have seen her playing a young Natasha Romanoff. Some viewers are not sure whether it’s a good idea for parents to let kids work in the entertainment industry at such a young age.

Milla responded, “I personally think the most important thing a parent can do is help their children find their passion. Ever worked hard and persevered, never taking her eye off her goal, which was to be an actress. Some people are very judgmental and say, ‘Oh, of course, it’s so easy for her, being the daughter of an actress and director.’ But as the old adage goes: you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.”

Milla often organizes family trips.

In 2021, Paul, Milla, and their daughters walked on the Capilano Suspension Bridge. At first, they walked over a deep canyon and then went for a walk in the forest. During the walk, they met a curious squirrel that jumped on the table and started drinking maple syrup from a cup.

And when Ever was in Peter Pan & Wendy, Milla went to Newfoundland to support her.

“We spent the day walking around the gorgeous town. It’s a seaside town of charming, old houses painted in brilliant colors, and with sweet and friendly people. In the evening, we sit downstairs at our hotel with the rest of the cast and parents, and play Empire for hours! I feel so lucky to be experiencing this with my amazing kiddo!,” Milla said about the trip.

She’s grateful when her kids help her.

Dashiel loves babysitting her younger sister. She’d often play with little Osian and feed her from the bottle. Milla said that she enjoyed seeing how close the girls became. And Osian is extremely happy to see her middle sister.

Milla loves fooling around with her daughters.

Once, when there was good weather in Los Angeles, the entire family went outside in the fresh air. Milla and her older daughters ran around the street, sprinkling each other with water. And they ate lots of blueberries and had a great day.

Milla teaches practical life lessons to her girls.

For example, she shows them that groceries don’t grow in supermarkets. The family has their own garden, where they grow fruit and vegetables.

The actress says, “Give them a chance to see where food comes from and how fun it is to see it grow from seed to dinner! Plus the added benefit of running around and getting a bunch of that pent-up energy out.”

Milla shows how important family holidays are.

On the last day of 2022, Milla wrote a post where she spoke about her family vacation in Kraków. It turns out that she can easily cook dinner on a simple stove. On New Year’s, she made her famous fried potatoes using her mom’s recipe.

The girls also love giving something tasty to their mom. For example, on Mother’s Day, they made her a cake.

On that day, Milla also said some kind words about her mom and thanked her for sharing her wisdom and experience with her.

The actress tries to capture the happy moments of her life.

It can be hard to get all the family members together and make them stand still for a photo. But Milla manages to do it.

“One pic. All in focus. I would call that a win. Units 1, 2, and 3 all in sync for one moment. My eldest is even posing me to make sure my best side is highlighted,” Milla wrote under one of her photos.

How many children do you have? What would you like them to be when they grow up?

Cheery/People/Milla Jovovich Had a Third Child at 44, and Here’s How She Handles Raising Her Girls
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