16 Unexpected Facts We Should All Know Because They Might Come in Handy
The world is so big; even if we read a lot of books and articles, there is still always more to learn. For example, few people know that pistachios can start burning on their own, and Mona Lisa has her own mailbox.
Pistachios might spontaneously combust, burning themselves up if you keep them in large quantities.
Cellulose is added to grated cheese to prevent it from clumping.
Left-handed people tend to use both hemispheres of their brain for tasks, resulting in the connections between the two hemispheres being faster. This means left-handed people can be better multitaskers than right-handed people.
In the Louvre, Mona Lisa has her own mailbox for the love letters she gets.
A child’s IQ can predict the likelihood of them becoming a vegetarian. The higher the IQ, the more chances the child won’t eat meat.
A person walking with a dog feels more confident getting acquainted with an attractive stranger.
All of us are born with only 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. The rest of the fears are learned.
Ladybugs scare off predators with bad-smelling “knees”.
Stress increases the level of bad cholesterol in blood.
People with bushy eyebrows are often more narcissistic.
Many dogs sneeze not because there’s something in their noses, but because they are playing and having fun.
Female faces often look more attractive if they are tilted to the side and the chin is lowered.

SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP / East News, AA / ABACA / Abaca / East News
Toilet seat covers are useless because they don’t protect us from germs, and the chances of getting infected from a toilet seat are very low.
T-shirts were originally designed in 1904 for bachelors, because they don’t have buttons, so men didn’t need to learn to sew them.
The process of planning a vacation is more pleasant than the vacation itself.
Most people spend 60% of their conversation time talking about themselves in real life, but on social media this increases to 80%.
Do you know some interesting facts? We’d be glad to read some unexpected facts that you know in the comment section below!
Preview photo credit SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP / East News, AA / ABACA / Abaca / East News
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