Why Jennifer Aniston Feels Happier at 53 Than She Did When She Was Younger, and Why She Hates Social Media
It seems that Jennifer Aniston has always been on the bright side of life, sharing her smile with everyone around her. But recently, the actress revealed that there were a few dark periods in her life. After overcoming these hardships, pain, and insecurities, Jennifer finally learned to value herself and reveal her joys and sorrows to the world.
Jennifer doesn’t like social media for a reason.
Jennifer Aniston avoided social media for a long time, but in 2019, she finally decided to open an account on Instagram. First, the majority of her friends always talked about it, and she didn’t want to be an outsider. Second, Aniston thought it was a good platform to promote her haircare line.
Actually, the actress even set a record — she gained 1 million followers in less than 5 hours after posting a photo of the Friends cast. Jennifer was shocked but still flattered by this.
But Aniston hasn’t developed any love for social media, and she doesn’t really enjoy maintaining her own page. The actress is happy that she didn’t have to grow up and be a teenager in the Internet era.
It might seem that the world wide web should unite people and help them find each other. But in reality, young girls tend to compare themselves with the people they see on social media and feel insecure about it.

According to Jennifer, what tabloids did to people’s personal lives back then, regular people on the Internet are doing now. You can often find hate and judgment in people’s comments, and the actress can’t understand why people are so cruel to each other.
The actress learned to appreciate not only the good moments of her life but also the bad ones.
Aniston’s childhood wasn’t easy. She was very much affected by the divorce of her parents. She recalls that she was living in a house of sorrow and distress. Her mother resented her father for leaving her. But thanks to this experience, Jennifer learned how to deal with these not-so-happy moments in life.
Jennifer knows how hard it can be sometimes to overcome difficulties. She has been suffering from insomnia and sleepwalking. The actress didn’t pay attention to them at first, but at some point, the problem became so serious that she couldn’t fall asleep for hours.
It was then that she realized she needed a specialist’s help. She had to take medications for some time, and she still has a nighttime ritual — she does some stretches or yoga and leaves her phone out of the room.
Filming Friends: The Reunion wasn’t as funny as she thought it would.
When the actress agreed to take part in this project, she thought that filming it would be fun. But the same set and old friends seemed to take her back in time.
The final season of Friends was connected to one of Jennifer’s difficult periods. Sometimes, she felt so bad that she had to run away from the set.
But Jennifer is not a person who gives in to difficulties.
She believes there are 2 ways to combat your fears — to hide from the world or to move forward no matter what. Jennifer has always chosen the second way. Anyone can experience difficulties, but it’s not a reason to hide or feel pity for yourself.
Aniston wasn’t ready to start a new relationship for a long time.

Aniston’s personal life has always attracted a lot of attention. All her marriages and divorces were scrutinized by the media.
But the actress believes that no one can know for sure what happens in her life, except for herself. Sometimes, couples have to decide whether they should stay together and suffer, or separate and be happy. A marriage that is built on the fear of loneliness won’t bring you happiness.
After the divorce from Justin Theroux, Aniston enjoyed her solitude for some time. Besides, she didn’t think she was ready for a new relationship. She had to work through her problems first, including those she had carried along since childhood. Jennifer felt she was self-conscious and weak. The actress said once, “I didn’t want to partner with someone until some of that work was done. It wouldn’t be fair. I don’t want to move into a house where there are no walls.”

Jennifer isn’t sure whether she’s ready to marry again. But she wouldn’t mind meeting her soulmate, the one who will support her and make her feel at peace. The actress doesn’t try to hide anything about herself anymore and is not afraid to tell the truth about her life.
At 53, she feels like she’s a phoenix rising from the ashes. And she wouldn’t exchange this age for 40, 30, or even 20 years of age.
We are sincerely glad for Jennifer and hope that her life will be wonderful in the future.