How Keith Urban Has Carried the Trauma Inflicted by His Father Throughout His Life and Still Became a Great Dad for His Daughters
Keith Urban is a well-known star. He has millions of fans, dozens of awards, and a nice family. Today, he looks really happy with his wife Nicole Kidman in all their photos, but it wasn’t easy for them. Keith had to work a lot to get over his difficult childhood and leave his bad habits in the past to become a loving husband and father to his 2 daughters.

At the beginning of his career, Keith’s life was far from ideal. He lived in a very poor area, and his neighbor was a very problematic young man. For some time, Keith managed to avoid getting into trouble, but after he broke up with his girlfriend, he couldn’t control himself anymore. He ended up in a never-ending cycle of party life.
Keith was lost in this lifestyle for more than 10 years. Yes, he earned money but spent a lot of it on his bad habits. It seemed that nothing would change. But in 2005, Nicole Kidman appeared in his life and became his savior.
One year after they met, they got married. But unfortunately, it was too little time for Keith to change his lifestyle. Just 4 months later, it became a very big problem. But Nicole didn’t give up and didn’t leave him. She was determined to help her husband. And she did.

After 3 months of hard work in rehab, which Nicole helped him get into, the singer put a definite end to his past life.
There’s a reason behind everything that happened to Keith — the trauma he had in his difficult childhood wouldn’t heal. The singer grew up with a cold father that never said he loved him. And every time Keith would perform on stage, his father would only criticize him, nitpicking over the smallest mistakes.
But today, the singer can honestly say that he’s grateful to his dad for the success of his music career. Ironically, Keith spent most of his childhood looking for his dad’s approval, and it was exactly the thing that made him want to get better.

Maybe, it was the desire to not be like his father that made Keith want to have his own family and kids. Fifteen years ago, he said that he was looking forward to becoming a good father. And this dream came true. In 2008, the couple had Sunday Rose, and in 2010, Faith Margaret. The singer had always thought he knew what it meant to be a father, but he quickly realized he had been wrong.
Keith isn’t shy to admit that he adores being a parent, especially having girls. He didn’t have any sisters, and his little girls have changed his view about many things. By the way, even though he and his wife are worldwide-known stars, their kids are raised far from the crazy attention of the press. The family does very ordinary things, and the girls don’t have any social media pages.
Keith can go on and on about how wonderful his girls are for hours, and also about the fact that his family is his biggest source of inspiration and the most important part of his life. The singer was able to make his dream come true and become the opposite of his father, a loving and sincere person.
Did you know Keith’s story? In your opinion, should people always forgive their relatives?