
19 Women Proudly Show Off the Marks Pregnancy and Postpartum Left on Their Bodies, Helping Others Accept Themselves

Nine months of pregnancy and going through childbirth change a woman’s body. Some moms have to get used to the way they look all over again — they are embarrassed by their stretch marks or get upset over hair loss. But all of this is undoubtedly overshadowed by the joy that a new baby brings.

“Does anyone else love/feel incredibly proud of their stretch marks or is it just me?”

“It’s been two months since I welcomed my sweet son. Fighting with postpartum depression but starting to finally feel like myself again!”

“I have nobody to share these with, so here are my first baby bump pictures I took today.”

“Pregnancy changing my hair color! I dye it platinum, it normally grows back dark blonde, but now it’s growing back platinum.”

“Affirmations project I finally finished!”

“Tell me you’re four months postpartum without saying you’re four months postpartum”

“The size difference between a delivery pad/postpartum napkin and a regular menstrual pad”

“I love my stretch marks, but what I’m learning to love is my new belly button. I get really self-conscious about how it looks now, but I try to remember that my body homed my daughter for 10 months.”

“The difference in pregnancy-swollen feet after driving for an hour”

“I was diagnosed with prenatal depression. Today we took the first photograph of pregnant me.”

“I honestly felt way more beautiful in the pregnant pic.”

“My husband is constantly reassuring me. I’m hoping my belly will flatten. But if not, our son is 100% worth it.”

“I’m calling her ‘girl with the postpartum hair loss.’”

“Love my squishy empty baby sack!”

“Minor design flaw in my 20-week-pregnant-wife’s sleeping setup. (It’s our first.)”

“Needing a wrist brace + swollen feet = current state of pregnancy”

“My toenail grew extra thick during my pregnancy and then abruptly stopped growing thick once I gave birth to my son.”

“I never really appreciated my body before I had my baby, so having gone back to my original size, all I want to wear are crop tops and bikinis.”

“I was tired of dealing with postpartum hair loss.”

Cheery/People/19 Women Proudly Show Off the Marks Pregnancy and Postpartum Left on Their Bodies, Helping Others Accept Themselves
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