
20 People Who Saw Something No One Would Have Believed if They Hadn’t Taken a Picture

We’re used to turning to movies, video games and other art in search of mind-blowing spectacles. But we tend to forget that life itself is the major miracle worker, and sometimes presents us with such gems that we can only hope to catch them on camera before they disappear. So we want to take this opportunity to show you some of these out-of-the-ordinary events.

“I left my clog out in the rain and it sprouted.”

“My dog has a claw that is half black and half white.”

The way the snow stuck to this lamp post.

“They left the pizza pan in the box.”

“My parents’ desert plant bloomed.”

“The contrails from two airplanes made a perfect X over my house.”

“My building doesn’t have floors for 4, 13, and 14.”

“The mirror in my hotel room doesn’t fog up in the center.”

“This photo of my dogs ear looks like Michael Jackson.”

“This picture of my sister in her Halloween costume looks like she’s photoshopped into the picture.”

“My hotel has a Nutella dispenser.”

“My daughter was born with hobbit feet.”

“Was given a 1934 twenty dollar bill at work.”

“This plushie I bought for my daughter came vacuum sealed.”

Alien lemon

“My paycheck showed up mysteriously toasted.”

“Someone rode a penny farthing to work today.”

“These pretzels from a bag of Chex mix are stuck together and kind of look like a satellite.”

“The Gap sent me a box of security tags.”

“The shower in my hotel is a glass cube in the center of the room.”

What unusual things have you come across?

Preview photo credit dodgethismofo / Reddit
Cheery/People/20 People Who Saw Something No One Would Have Believed if They Hadn’t Taken a Picture
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