20+ Wedding Photos That Hide a Vivid Story Behind Them
Wedding photos always have a special place in family photo albums. We like to look at them again and again and show them to friends and family. And the more time has passed, the more interesting these photos become because they capture not just the happiest moments of someone else’s life but the bygone era as well. We love to look through old photos. We think it’s a great way to dive into the atmosphere of the past and imagine how people lived back then.
“My grandparents on their wedding day, 70 years ago today!”
“1954, my grandma’s wedding day”
“1953: This is my grandfather and his second wife. She was in her mid-to-late thirties and couldn’t believe that this dashing pilot who had a great job as a engineer wanted to marry her.”
“Especially because his ex was someone everyone considered drop-dead gorgeous and she had never thought of herself as pretty.”
“My ancestors’ wedding (Henry John Heinsohn and Mary Alice Burgess), taken on November 25, 1902.”
“Double wedding: my grandma and her twin in the 1930s. When her twin announced her engagement, my grandma decided she’d better get married too! Sadly, the grooms were not brothers.”
“My grandparents on their wedding day in 1952 — my grandma couldn’t afford a big white gown so she wore her best dress.”
“My good-looking grandparents on their wedding day in 1958.”
- Julia Roberts vibes! © Revolutionary_Ice274 / Reddit
- I never thought of her that way! I see the similarities now. © Misspumpkinz / Reddit
“Paternal grandparents on their wedding day, 1969.”
“These are my great-great-grandparents on their wedding day, May 1915. Their daughter was born 3 months later.”
“My nana on her wedding day, 1970”
“My grandma, in the 1950s, on the day of her wedding in a small town of France — she’s wearing her own handmade dress.”
“This was in New York around the 1940s. My grandfather was a bit short, so he was standing on a crate hidden by my grandma’s dress!”
“This is a wedding photo of my grandparents. Yes, my grandma got married in black.”
“My great-grandparents on their wedding day in Italy, 1933”
“My grandma on her wedding day, 1951”
- Why is the bride only smiling in the reflection? © Ettttu / Reddit
“My great-grandparents’ wedding photo in 1920, Germany”
“My grandparents on their wedding day in 1948”
“My great-grandmother (left) on her wedding day in 1914 at age 15.”
“My grandpa and nana on their wedding day in 1963. He was a renowned car builder, she was a florist.”
“My grandpa had just turned 18, and my nana was 17. Her mom had to sign a paper to let them get married. They were together for half a century. But over the years, she started to hate my grandpa’s heathen car builder/biker lifestyle, and my grandpa didn’t like being lectured for having classic rock on the radio. I loved them both, even when they were separated.”
“My grandparents on the day they first met — also their wedding day. Circa 1950s”
“My parents’ traditional Nigerian wedding, circa 1988. Dad couldn’t make it, so my uncle stood in.”
“The reason is my dad was in the UK applying for his Visa/permanent stay at the time. For some reason, things clashed, and he couldn’t go back to Nigeria in time for the wedding, or else he would have been denied entry back to the UK, where he was living and working at the time.”
Do you still have old wedding photos of your grandparents or even your parents? Will you show them to us?