
How a Note Helped to Reunite a Homeless Mom-of-Two With Her Beloved Dog Lilo

Our love for our four-legged friends sometimes knows no limits, and statistics back that up. Americans spend almost $100 billion on their pets. This makes stories of abandoned pets all the more heart-breaking. Social media users found one such story from Tennessee particularly touching.

One day, workers at a local shelter were saddened by a discovery. They found an abandoned dog tied to a tree with a note. But don’t be too quick to judge the owner. The note made it clear that the dog’s name was Lilo and she had been abandoned due to very difficult circumstances. The shelter owners were very touched by the request not to change the pet’s name: “There was a bunch of us that honestly started crying. Something about the note really stood out to all of us. It was clear that this person didn’t want to let go of their dog, so it hit home for all of us.”

It turned out that Lilo’s “mom” was homeless, with two children. The woman described her feelings on a piece of paper, presenting them from the point of view of her beloved pet. “She really loves me. I’m a great dog, love to be loved on.” The shelter workers were sympathetic to the difficult situation and decided not to let the owner and her faithful friend be torn apart.

The shelter shared a post on their Facebook page with a photo of the dog and the note. At the same time, they reached out to the owner: “We want you to know she is safe, and we will take the very best care of her. She will be loved by our staff and volunteers, we will keep her name, and we promise you we will do our best to find her a wonderful new home. But if you are reading this, we hope you will come forward to reclaim her.” They noted that Lilo misses her and would very much like her to come back. And from the photo, you can easily see this longing for her beloved owner in Lilo’s eyes.

Just a few days later, a new post from the shelter took social media by storm. The owner couldn’t hold back her feelings and took Lilo back. The shelter supported her in keeping her pet and thanked everyone who followed the story: “We are actively working with the family to set them up with a safe haven, shelter, and resources to stay together and tackle homelessness. We are thankful for everyone who has advocated for the family, and shared our post. We are amazed at the outpouring of support.”

Cheery/People/How a Note Helped to Reunite a Homeless Mom-of-Two With Her Beloved Dog Lilo
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