
Mark Wahlberg Decided to Sell His Luxury California Mansion and Move With His Family to Nevada to Give Them a Better Life

Sometimes it seems that if your life is already established, there’s no need to change the way things are. Especially if that life is full of luxury and comfort. But actor Mark Wahlberg decided otherwise. At 51, he and his wife and children exchanged the Hollywood hills for life in Nevada. And the entire family is happier because of it.

Mark Wahlberg is a model family man and father of four. His social media is full of posts about how he adores his family and how proud he is of them all. It would seem that the actor has provided the absolute best for his beloved kids — their home in Los Angeles looked like some kind of a living fairy tale.

But in April 2022, Mark decided to dramatically change his life. He put the family home up for sale and moved everyone to Nevada. And the actor did all that for the sake of his children.

Mark admitted that Los Angeles was once the starting point for his acting career. However, he actually only worked there on a couple of films and was otherwise on the road all the time. As a result, the actor barely saw his family, while they lived in the city, which over time became less and less suitable for a secure family life. Mark realized that the interests of his loved ones were now much more important to him and no amount of perceived prestige of an actor’s life in the City of Angels would be an obstacle for him.

“So, to be able to give my kids a better life and follow and pursue their dreams, whether it be my daughter as an equestrian, my son as a basketball player, or my younger son as a golfer, this made a lot more sense for us.”

In addition, the actor’s children have more opportunities to pursue their favorite hobbies in Nevada, and Mark himself hopes to be able to spend more time with them while working from home. Yes, he plans to improve not only the life of his family but that of the entire city. The actor plans to create there a veritable new Hollywood and, as a result, a huge number of jobs. And there can be no doubt about the success of this venture. After all, Mark is already the owner of a huge number of successful business projects, from a burger joint to a cricket team. Once again, the actor credits his family, namely his wife, for these successes.

“I owe a lot to my wife. She has helped me become the man that I am and created a beautiful life for me and our children. I also knew that she loved me for who I am and that she was someone I could trust. Until I met her, I wasn’t ready to have a family.”

Mark has long been supportive of his children’s interests and encourages them to choose their own path. He doesn’t impose his beliefs but only tries to set an example, which would be a point of reference for the teenagers. Moreover, the actor has repeatedly admitted that the happiness of his children is his main goal in life.

“My mission in life is to raise my kids right. With all the success I’ve had in the world, if I fail at that, my life means nothing. Raising your kids is the most challenging but also the most rewarding role. I always try to instill in them as many positive values as I can and also try to lead by example in terms of working hard and being a good husband who takes his commitment to his family very seriously.”

Determined to make his kids’ lives better, the actor didn’t wait to sell the house in Los Angeles. The family has already spent the past fall and Christmas holidays in Nevada, and, according to Mark, they’d been looking forward to it with great anticipation. After all, the actor just loves Thanksgiving and the fact that all the family and friends come together on this day. And in a whole new place, where the family can take a look at their lives from a different angle, it’s especially inspiring.

Perhaps this is indeed one of the secrets of a happy family life —to love each other unconditionally and not be afraid to completely change your way of life for the sake of your loved ones’ happiness.

Do you change your place of residence easily? Would you want to move somewhere with your family, or do you love your hometown?

Cheery/People/Mark Wahlberg Decided to Sell His Luxury California Mansion and Move With His Family to Nevada to Give Them a Better Life
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