Zoë Kravitz Has Decided to Rethink Her Approach to Life After 30 and Is Now Ruthlessly Getting Rid of Old Tattoos
Zoë Kravitz knows first-hand that being the daughter of famous parents can sometimes be difficult. But over the years, she’s been able to prove to the world that she is an extraordinary person in her own right. The actress has come a long way, and now she considers her thirties to be her golden years. In the meantime, Kravitz is now ruthlessly eliminating some of the things she did in her youth.
Zoë Kravitz was embarrassed by her renowned surname for a long time
Zoë was in the limelight before she could even walk. The public adored her scandalous parents, and the girl sometimes wished to grow up in an ordinary family, where mum and dad don’t wear colorful outfits, but spend their days in boring clothes. But even as a child, Kravitz had a passion for acting. She constantly put on plays at her grandparents’ house and always made sure she went deep into character.

Lenny Kravitz was very surprised by his daughter’s love of the cinema. He was sure that Zoë would choose to become a vet or a lawyer. The famous surname was helpful for the future actress in her career; she quickly enough found a good agent and started receiving interesting offers. At the same time, Zoë felt she needed to prove her right to exist in the entertainment industry and that she had talent.

This kept undermining Kravitz’s confidence in her abilities. In the beginning, she was very reluctant to talk about her parents in interviews. But over the years, Zoë has learned to be proud of her achievements and her roots. Now she says that her mum and dad are incredible people and she is lucky to be their daughter. But at the same time, she finally feels like her own, independent, person.
The actress doesn’t want to go back to her younger years

Now, at 34, Zoë likes herself much more. She is glad that her turbulent youth is behind her. In the past, she often made choices without considering her own desires or what would have benefited her. Kravitz feels like her life was a mess simply because she didn’t have time to stop and think about what she really wanted. Now she realizes that important decisions should not be rushed, and sometimes it’s better to take a break.

In 2021, Zoë decided to limit her social media presence. She deleted all her old posts on Instagram and posted new ones very selectively. This happened after she appeared at an event wearing a revealing dress, and was immediately hit by a wave of negativity. The actress first wondered if her outfit was too provocative, since so many people were unhappy with it. But then she realized that if she started questioning her vision and decisions, it would be the end of her career.
Kravitz decided that she will do what she wants, when she wants, and however she wants. And she’s willing to stand up for the right to her own opinion. So Zoë took a break and stopped reading comments on social media. And though the actress has become more careful with her own statements, the public still often tries to criticize her.
Kravitz notes that people often imagine her to be completely different to what she’s really like. “The older I get, the more I realize that the person that they’re talking about isn’t me. It’s an idea, and I’m a separate being,” she says.
Zoë knows exactly how society sees her and sometimes likes to play with the audience by defying their expectations. Predictable characters always seemed boring to her, so with each role she tries to bring something unexpected and take her character into the grey area. And after the success of The Batman, the actress decided to take a seat in the director’s chair and make her own movie.
The task was not an easy one, and Kravitz admits that she was very nervous at all stages of the process. On set, she had to get used to a new role and constantly make many big decisions. Moreover, filming took place in a different country, and Zoë, who didn’t know the language, had to use interpreters.
At the editing stage, she found herself scared by the thought that, in the end, no one would like the film and the audience would simply not watch it. After all, everyone likes to criticize actresses when they take on a new job role. But Zoë tries to not focus on these thoughts. Instead, she just carries on with her work, trying to get her ideas out to the public.
She is confident that the world has many more amazing discoveries in store for her

After turning 30, Kravitz has had a unique opportunity to get a new perspective on life. She had to spend several months on her own, so she began to wonder what it is that she really wanted. The actress reconsidered many of the choices she’d made when she was younger and realized that she needed to say goodbye to some of those things.
And so Zoë got some of her tattoos removed, simply because she no longer wants them on her body. This doesn’t mean that the star has fallen out of love with this form of art. Once a person gets the first design, it’s very difficult to stop, and she plans to decorate herself with new tattoos in the future as well. It’s just that some of her tattoos seem unnecessary to her now.
For a while, the simple comforts of home and a quiet family life seemed very romantic to Zoë. But the time spent alone made her ask herself some difficult questions, and as a result, the actress realized that some things in her life didn’t really suit her. Kravitz is confident: there are many adventures, interesting creative challenges, and new relationships ahead of her. And none of this would have the chance to come true if she continued to be untrue to herself.
In Zoë’s opinion, the most important thing in a relationship is honesty, not just with the people she loves, but also with herself. Kravitz says, “I’m in a place where whatever I’m feeling is okay, wherever I’m at is okay.” Now the actress wants to live her life the way she wants to, without caring about other people’s comments and criticisms.
We wish Zoë Kravitz success in anything she might decide to take on.