
Why It’s a Good Idea to Let Your Dog Sleep in Bed With You

According to surveys, 55% of pet owners said that they sleep in the same bed with their dogs and 31% — with their cats. For a long time, it was considered a bad idea, but modern scientific studies prove that this is nothing more than a misconception, and under certain conditions, it’s good for both animals and people.

The benefits we get from sleeping together with our dogs.

  • Bad mood goes away. Contact with dogs helps us produce oxytocin, the hormone of love, happiness, and trust. So, our pets help us to relax and forget about all the problems that keep us awake.
  • Safety. Their sharp hearing and unique sense of smell will make sure that if anything goes wrong, your dog will draw your attention and warn you about any dangers. Studies show that women feel much safer with dogs and sleep better.
  • No more nightmares. Scientists have proved that dogs can protect us not only in real life but in sleep as well. Specially trained dogs can help patients with a bunch of sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, apnea, and even PTSD. And some dogs don’t need any training to wake up their owners when they have nightmares, they do it instinctively.
  • We spend less money on doctors and pills. Studies have also shown that when we pet our dogs and talk to them, our arterial pressure goes down. Close contact with dogs improves our immune systems. It’s been proved that dog and cat owners see doctors less often, and they need fewer meds to handle sleep problems and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Warmth and comfort. Since ancient times, people would sleep in bed with dogs to keep warm. Sleeping next to a dog is a million times better than a heating pad — any dog owner will agree.

How sleeping together can be beneficial for animals.

Not only humans get a rush of feel-good hormones after sleeping with their pets. When cats and dogs are in close contact with their owners, there’s also an increase in their neurotransmitters. If a pet is worried or stressed, or ill with something that is not dangerous for people, it is good for them to sleep next to someone they trust.

What you should do if you decide to let your dog sleep with you.

  • Teach your dog to sleep in its own place. Dogs need their own safe place for when you’re not around, or if you don’t want them to sleep with you. A pillow or even a dog bed will help them feel psychologically comfortable during trips or if you have to move to another home.
  • Set boundaries. Dogs should know that they can only sleep with you when you allow them to, and not at any time. They should know that it’s your territory, not theirs.
  • Make sure your bed can fit your dogs. Everyone should feel comfortable in order to sleep well.
  • Don’t skip vet visits so that your dog gets all the vaccines on time. Don’t forget about parasite treatment.
  • Keep your dog clean, wash its paws after walking outside, and comb its fur because you don’t need extra dirt and germs in your bed.
  • Don’t cover your dog with a blanket. Dogs might wake up and feel trapped. They will get scared and might harm you. Besides, this way your bed will be cleaner.

When you can’t allow your dog to sleep with you, even if you really want to.

  • If you suffer from allergies, it’s better not to take the risk, even if you are not allergic to your pet. Put a dog bed in your bedroom close to you. This way, you will still benefit from the many advantages and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • If you’re a light sleeper, and your dog is constantly snoring and turning, you should sleep separately.
  • If one of you is injured or ill with a contagious disease.

What about cats?

Unfortunately, sleeping together with cats is not a very good idea. Those that have cats and have woken up to their pet standing on their faces at 5 a.m. know why. Unlike dogs, cats are nocturnal animals. On average, they sleep 15-16 hours a day, usually during the daytime. And the most active time for them is the night or at dawn. So, while you are trying to get a good night’s sleep, your pet might decide it’s a great time to run around the apartment.

Of course, if your cat is calm, you can let it sleep with you if you both enjoy it.

Do you sleep in the same bed with your pets, or do you think it’s not a good idea?

Cheery/Animals/Why It’s a Good Idea to Let Your Dog Sleep in Bed With You
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