
15 Celebrities Who Starred Together But Managed to Keep Their Height Difference a Secret

Movie creators do all sorts of things to make their actors look the way the role requires. Some actors need to have their hair dyed, others change their accent, and some need to work out for months to get fit.

Gillian Anderson

20thCentFox / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, PictureGroup / Sipa USA / East News

David Duchovny is 5’11¾". It’s not surprising that in order to get a good shot, Gillian Anderson needed to look higher than she was (5’3″). She remembers that when the characters needed to enter a room and show their badges at the same time, she had to jump onto something high to look taller. One time, she turned to the camera quickly and fell down because she had forgotten she was on a box.

Josh Hutcherson

Good camera work managed to hide the height difference of the main stars of The Hunger Games. In real life, Josh Hutcherson is 5’5″ and Jennifer Lawrence is 5’9″. The actor is okay with his height and often jokes about it.

Daniel Radcliffe

This is another time when camera work helped hide a significant height difference. In real life, Daniel Radcliffe is shorter than Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. But according to the star of Harry Potter, it’s not a problem for his career. He said that Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman are very successful actors that are not very tall.

He jokes, “I could play a soldier. The minimum height for a marine is 5 feet, and I’m well above that. I wouldn’t be able to take myself seriously as the quarterback in a football movie, which is my one legitimate gripe.”

Robbie Coltrane

Harry Potter books suppose that Hagrid has an impressive height that is twice as big as a normal person. But in real life, Robbie Coltrane is only 6’1″. The director of the first 2 Harry Potter films, Chris Columbus, said that he could have made Hagrid even taller if he’d had financial and technical resources at the time.

Robert Downey Jr.

If you knew the real heights of the Iron Man cast, some shots might look confusing. Tony Stark is much taller than his assistant, but Robert Downey Jr. is 5’8½" and Gwyneth Paltrow is 5’9″. Besides, she almost always wears high heels in the film.

Mayer / face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News

So, the movie creators needed to try really hard to make Robert Downey Jr. look taller. He wore shoes on heels, and there’s also information that suggests Guy Ritchie used the same trick on the set of Sherlock Holmes.

Ingrid Bergman

If you watch Casablanca carefully, you may notice that the height difference between Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart is never consistent. The thing is, the director wanted to hide the fact that Bergman was taller than Bogart. To create the illusion of the opposite, the director made Bogart sit on boxes and pillows, and in some scenes, Bergman even had to slouch.

Vin Diesel

Tabloids have written about a possible argument that happened between Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson. After the argument, they didn’t want to work together and they still needed to do some scenes together. The solution was that they were filmed separately and then were put together through editing.

Some scenes in Fast & Furious look very strange. Diesel seems like a giant next to Johnson and it’s possibly a bad attempt at trying to make Vin look taller than he is.

Michael Clarke Duncan

In The Green Mile, Michael Clarke Duncan looks like a giant compared to his colleagues. In fact, he’s just 1 cm taller than David Morse. Duncan was 6’4″, Hanks is 6′, and Morse is 6’3½". To create an optical illusion, the crew used very different tricks. For example, Duncan’s bed was smaller than usual to make him look huge. The same was true for all the other pieces of furniture he was near.

Scarlett Johansson

Zade Rosenthal / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection / East News

In the Marvel Universe, many characters had to change a lot in terms of their appearances. For example, Captain America was shown shorter and thinner before his transformation. And Scarlett Johansson needed to look taller to look good with Evans. Her height is 5’3″ and Evans’ height is 6′.

Tom Hardy

© The Dark Knight Rises / Warner Bros., Jon Furniss / Invision / AP / East News

To portray Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy needed to visit the gym a lot and learn to speak through a special box to make his voice scarier. Additionally, the actor needed to increase his height to look good next to Christian Bale. He had to wear shoes on a very high platform.

Invision / Invision / East News

Tom Hardy is 5’9″, and Bale is 6′.

Miley Cyrus

© The Last Song / Touchstone Pictures, VALERIE MACON / AFP / East News

In The Last Song, Miley Cyrus seems shorter than Liam Hemsworth, but only a little. The camera hides a big height difference. Cyrus is 5’5″, and Hemsworth is 6’3½".

Amanda Seyfried

Another duo with a big age difference is Amanda Seyfried (5’3″) and Justin Timberlake (6′ 1½"). During the entire time on the set of In Tie, the actress had to wear heels, even in fight scenes. In one of the interviews, she even revealed how she could run fast in such shoes. It turned out that the shoes are special with shorter heels.

Reese Witherspoon

face to face / Reporter / East News, BEHAR ANTHONY / SIPA / East News

When tabloids write about celebrities that are short, they almost never forget to mention Reese Witherspoon. Her height is just 5’1¾". When she was working on Water for Elephants, Robert Pattinson was her colleague. The camera work in the film was incredible: in real life, the actors have an impressive height difference, as Pattinson is 6’1″.

Mel Gibson

The creators of The Year of Living Dangerously really showed the wonders of filming. In the frame, it seems as if Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver are the same height. However, in real life, the actor is shorter than the actress by almost two inches.

Lady Gaga

© NurPhoto SRL / Alamy Stock Photo, Simona Chioccia / IPA / IPA / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

Viewers didn’t notice the difference in height between Lady Gaga and Adam Driver thanks to a combination of good camera technique and great costuming. On screen, it is obvious that Driver is a little taller than his co-star, but you would never guess that he is a full 13 inches taller than Lady Gaga!

Have you ever had any difficulties because of your height? If yes, what were they?

Preview photo credit Zade Rosenthal / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection / East News
Cheery/Films/15 Celebrities Who Starred Together But Managed to Keep Their Height Difference a Secret
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