How 20 of the Most Beautiful Women of All Time Rank, According to Ordinary People
Choosing the most beautiful woman of all time is no easy task. Scientists have even worked on devising mathematical formulas to objectively calculate the formula for beauty. But that doesn’t mean you can’t rely on the opinion of ordinary people. Internet users took part in a vote, and out of over a hundred celebrity beauties chose 20 women who they consider to be simply drop-dead gorgeous. The winner received over 77,000 votes.
20. Diane Lane

CJ Contino / Everett Collection / East News
19. Natalie Wood
18. Jane Seymour
17. Halle Berry
16. Kate Beckinsale
15. Elizabeth Taylor
14. Natalie Portman

Sipa USA / Sipa USA / East News
13. Jaclyn Smith
12. Michelle Pfeiffer
11. Elizabeth Hurley
10. Jessica Alba

Jordan Strauss / Invision / East News
9. Salma Hayek

Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News
8. Catherine Zeta-Jones

John Shearer / Invision / AP / East News
7. Sophia Loren

AFP / East News
6. Charlize Theron

Jordan Strauss / Invision / East News
5. Scarlett Johansson

Invision / Invision / East News
4. Marilyn Monroe
3. Grace Kelly

Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News
2. Raquel Welch

Mary Evans / AF Archive / East News
1. Audrey Hepburn
Who are your top 3 most beautiful women of all time?
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