
14 Tricks That Can Help You Relieve Bloating and Avoid Embarrassment

Between 10% and 25% of healthy people struggle with occasional bloating. This usually happens because of a buildup of too much gas in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation or water retention in the body.

At CHEERY, we are very well aware of how uncomfortable bloating can make us feel, so we’ve found 14 tricks that can help you get rid of it quickly. And in the bonus section, you’ll find one of the everyday habits that can cause bloating. However, bloating can be the symptom of some serious diseases. If you suffer from it quite often, make sure to see a doctor.

1. Eat a banana


Bananas are rich in potassium, a nutrient that helps regulate water balance and reduce bloating. Potassium contributes to flushing sodium out of the body, which is a common cause of water retention. As a result, bloating can also decrease. You can eat a banana as a snack or add it to smoothies.

2. Try avocado

Avocados are rich in magnesium, a vital nutrient that prevents bloating. It “pulls” fluid into the intestines, which is good for people suffering from constipation. Since constipation is one of the causes of gas and bloating, magnesium can help with this problem by preventing the gas buildup with constipation.

3. Snack on a pineapple or papaya

Pineapple and papaya contain enzymes called bromelain and papain. They break down proteins that enter the body with food, ease digestion and thereby help get rid of bloating. Just like a banana, you can eat pineapple or papaya as a snack, or add them to a fruit salad.

4. Drink some water

It might seem that a glass of water will only increase bloating, especially taking into account the fact that one of the things that causes bloating is water retention. However, water retention signifies that our body is trying to protect itself from dehydration. Drinking plenty of water signals to the body that it no longer needs to hold onto every last drop to stay hydrated. Besides, drinking water increases the secretion of mucus in the intestines and makes it work harder, which can also reduce bloating.

If you’d like, you can add a wedge of lemon to your water. Lemon acts as a mild laxative and diuretic. So, they may keep you from getting constipated and retaining water — 2 major causes of bloating.

5. Drink some herbal tea

Herbal tea can also help reduce bloating:

  • Peppermint tea relaxes the intestines, which may relieve intestinal spasms as well as bloating that can accompany them. Besides, the flavonoids in peppermint may inhibit the activity of mast cells, which sometimes contribute to increased gas production.
  • Ginger tea can relieve indigestion, reduce intestinal spasms, gas, and bloating.
  • Fennel tea can also help with digestive problems, including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation.

6. Drink a cup of coffee

Coffee lovers know quite well that drinking a cup of coffee increases your chances of visiting the restroom. This happens because caffeine stimulates colonic muscle contractions that are similar to the those experienced after eating a big meal. So, if you feel bloated because of constipation, drink a cup of coffee to speed up the process.

7. Try natural diuretics

Natural diuretics can help water movie through the body. For example, if you suddenly feel bloated while in a café or restaurant, order a dish with asparagus, cucumbers, or celery. Or you can eat berries or a couple of slices of watermelon for dessert.

8. Add fennel seeds to your food

Fennel seeds are calming for your stomach. They relax the gastrointestinal tract, allowing gas to pass and thereby reducing bloating. You can add fennel seeds to almost any dish for an aromatic, anise flavor.

9. Take a walk

Physical activity can make the intestines work more actively and help it get rid of excess gas. So, put on comfortable shoes, turn on your favorite music on your smartphone, and walk around the neighborhood until you feel better. If you’re busy with work, invite your colleagues to take a walk with you, or just walk around the office.

10. Try yoga poses

Some yoga poses can position the abdominal muscles in a way that stimulates the release of excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract. This can help reduce bloating.

In order to quickly get rid of gas, try the following poses:

  • Child’s pose. Kneel on all fours. Slowly lower your hips and sit on your heels. Stretch your arms out in front of you, touching the mat. Adjust your knees for comfort. Take a deep breath and relax.
  • Happy baby pose. Lie down on your back, raise your knees to the sides of your body. Keeping the knees bent, point soles of the feet toward the ceiling. If possible, grab your feet with your hands and relax your back. Pull your feet down slightly with your hands to create tension. Hold the position for up to one minute.
  • Seated forward fold. Sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Then gently bend forward and try to reach your knees with your chest without bending them. Stretch your arms to touch your toes or as far as you can reach.

11. Meditate

Mindful meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety. This can solve stomach problems such as bloating if they are the result of nervous strain. Download a meditation app and spend a couple of minutes working to calm down.

12. Use a foam roller

A fitness roller helps to not only keep your body in good shape but also to cope with bloating. Try to work out with the roller for 10 minutes. Even just one session of this can help relieve bloating.

13. Try abdominal massage

Abdominal massage can help stimulate bowel movements. A massage that follows the path of the large intestine is especially helpful. Here’s how to perform this massage:

  • Place your hands just above your right hip.
  • Start gently rubbing your belly in a circular motion with a slight upward pressure toward the right side of your chest.
  • Then start rubbing your upper abdomen toward the left side of your chest.
  • Slowly move down to the left hip bone.
  • Repeat if necessary.

If the massage causes any pain, it’s best to stop it immediately.

14. Take a warm bath

If you’re at home, try taking a bath. Warm water can relieve stomach pain, and relaxation can reduce stress levels, allowing the gastrointestinal tract to function more efficiently and reduce bloating.

Bonus: Don’t chew gum

When chewing gum, many people tend to swallow extra air which can make the problem of bloating even worse. Besides, it may contain artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol or xylitol. They can also cause discomfort and bloating.

Which of these tricks were most unexpected to you? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit JANEK SKARZYNSKI / AFP / East News,
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