
I Gave Up Caffeine for a Week. This Is What Happened to My Skin, Sleep and Well-Being

Caffeine is a well-known central nervous system stimulant. In nature, it can be found in seeds, fruits, nuts and leaves of plants. This substance helps protect them from animals and from competition with other plants. People use caffeine to cheer up, fight drowsiness and increase concentration. But it has side effects: increase in blood pressure, heartburn, nervousness or insomnia.

A 7-Minute Workout set to Beat Your Tech Neck

Most likely, you are reading this article like this: the head is tilted forward, the shoulders are rounded, and the back is hunched. This position, known as the tech neck, is quite common in people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Unfortunately, this habit can lead to serious back and neck pain. But certain exercises and stretching can help you make your neck stronger and more flexible.

9 Popular Things That Can Little by Little Ruin our Health

Some people say that beauty is pain. And even though the times of wearing tight Victorian corsets that made women faint are long gone, and hard collars that didn’t let people breathe normally are in the past, there are still some clothes that are too dangerous to wear for a long time.

15 Myths About Breastfeeding It’s Time We Stopped Believing

Many mothers around the world deal with a lot of problems during breastfeeding, partially because of the myths and misconceptions surrounding this process. Some women even prefer to give formula to their babies in order not to harm their health. But this is not always necessary.

12 Intimate Hygiene Mistakes That Can Cause Ladies Some Painful Moments in the Future

There’s a huge number of products on the market intended “for feminine intimate hygiene”, like soaps, shower gels, wipes, deodorants, and many more. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that by using them you’ll be exercising proper self-care. Moreover, sometimes these products can even be harmful.

11 Things Extreme Heat Does to Your Body, And How to Avoid the Consequences Caused by It

The world’s climate is changing. According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Earth’s average temperature has increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (1.9 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1880. Due to global warming, cities are experiencing extremely warm weather. We try to adapt to these changes, but sometimes our bodies can’t cope with them, and this can lead to harmful health conditions.

12 Pleasant Effects of a Digital Detox That Make It Worth the Struggle

Social media have become an integral part of our lives. They make our personal and business communications easier and unite people with similar interests around the entire world. We spend around 2,5 hours a day checking our feed. So, an average social media user spends more than 1 month on online communication per year. Some digital minimalists were so impressed with this number, that they decided to take a break.

13 Foods That You Can Easily Eat at Night Without Worrying About Your Weight

Sometimes we want to have a snack even after dinner. But is it really possible to eat at night without gaining weight? If you still can’t solve this dilemma, we are here to help.

“I Don’t Give Myself any Rules Anymore.” How Jennifer Aniston Manages to Get Prettier Year After Year, Using Simple Routines

It’s hard to believe it, but this year, Jennifer Aniston has turned 53. It seems that the star of Friends and The Morning Show hasn’t aged a bit in the past 20 years. She radiates the energy of youth, she looks stunning, and she enjoys herself like never before.

14 Popular Habits That Secretly Hurt Your Body

Soon after birth, people’s habits start to form. We develop more and more habits with each year that we live. But we rarely consider how even these little everyday actions might actually be hurting us.

14 Reasons Why You Might Feel Hungry, Even After a Big Meal

A rumbling stomach is a sure sign that you’re hungry. But most of the time, according to nutritionists, we’re guided by very different signs when deciding that it’s time to eat. Around 90% of people overeat for emotional reasons, failing to distinguish real hunger from psychological.

12 Dental Hygiene Hacks That May Cut Down the Treatment Costs

Everyone knows that we should visit dentists at least twice a year. And judging by the recent numbers, many people really do. But not everyone does additional things to take care of their teeth. Only 64% of adults brush their teeth in the morning and in the evening. Meanwhile, regular flossing and brushing can significantly decrease the amount of money spent on dentists.

12 Foods We Think Are Healthy but Aren’t

Thanks to commercials, we have in our heads a list of certain foods associated with a healthy lifestyle and good food. But some of them are not healthy at all, and, under certain circumstances, they can even be harmful.

“You Are More Than Just Your Weight”. Why Rebel Wilson Decided to Shed the Pounds, and Why She Won’t Blame Herself for Gaining Them

Rebel Wilson took Hollywood by storm, even though she didn’t conform to outdated standards of appearance. The Australian actress gained the public’s love with her sparkling sense of humour, which she doesn’t shy away from directing at herself. In 2020 Rebel underwent a remarkable transformation, losing dozens of pounds — all in the name of her health. Fortunately, the star’s wit isn’t going anywhere.

12 Changes That Will Happen to Your Body If You Stop Eating Sugar and Salt

Finding something without sugar or salt in a supermarket is an incredible challenge. So, it’s not surprising that we eat our daily norm during breakfast. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, women should eat up to 6 teaspoons of sugar a day, and men — up to 9. The reality is that an average American eats 17 teaspoons of sugar every day.

13 Foods That Help Women Keep Their Health and Beauty

Hormonal balance is one of the main things that affects women’s health. Estrogens play an important role in this balance, and they are called the hormones of beauty and youth for a reason. Their action is directly related to reproductive function, breast health, menopause, and postmenopausal symptoms. But you can often influence this balance just by adjusting your diet.

11 Tips to Help You Tan Smoothly and Not Get Sunburned

When it’s warm and sunny, many people go to beaches or pools hoping to get a smooth tan. But they often make mistakes and get sunburned, which can cause serious health issues.

12 Tips for Brushing Your Hair That Can Make Your Locks Even More Gorgeous

Sometimes it seems like we are ready to buy all haircare products trying to make our hair beautiful. And this is supported by statistics — the haircare market value is estimated at $85 billion, and the demand for shampoos and conditioners continues to grow. But the thing is that a hair conditioner can’t solve the problems caused by the brushing mistakes.

9 Reasons Why Walking Barefoot May Not Be That Healthy

Most of us tend to think that walking barefoot is a quite healthy thing to do. So, on a warm day, we can happily take off our shoes and walk barefoot on green grass or on the beach. We try not to wear shoes at home too. However, according to experts, walking barefoot can do more harm than good.

12 Ways to Manage Heat When There’s No Air Conditioning

There are times when the heat becomes unbearable, and we start looking for the AC remote to cool down. But it’s not the only remedy, and sometimes, you have to use different methods we’re going to tell you about today.