
Why Not All Circles Under the Eyes Are the Same, and How to Get Rid of Them

The most obvious and common cause of dark circles under the eyes is, of course, lack of sleep. In this case, a good night’s rest will do the trick. However, this reason isn’t the only one. That’s why there are many different ways of getting rid of them. At the end of this article, we’ll share with you the technique for removing circles under the eyes used by Sophia Loren.

14 Ways to Prevent Brittle Nails and Grow Them to Your Desired Length

According to statistics, nails grow an average of one millimetre in 10 days. For those with slower nail growth, we’ve got some tips. Expert advice will make your dream of long nails a reality!

14 Stars Who Faced Infertility and Weren’t Afraid to Speak Publicly About Their Experience

About 15% of couples of reproductive age face infertility. Celebrities are part of this statistic, too. We decided to take a look at the stars who have spoken openly about their struggles with reproductive health. Some found help in modern medicine, some eventually gave up on parenthood, while others have opted for adoption.

What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar Altogether

Sugar is often the first thing we want to banish from our diet when we start eating healthy. But there are actually good sugars, such as sugarcane or those found in fruits and vegetables that can benefit your health and your looks. When consumed in moderation, good sugars can satisfy your sweet tooth, calm your nerves, and may even keep you from gaining weight.

How Billie Eilish Tried to Lose Weight Since the Age of 12 and Called Her Body “My Ugly Friend,” but Later Found a Way to Love Herself

Around 2% of people suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, which means they can’t accept their appearance. Stars have a high chance of developing such a disorder because their appearance is constantly discussed and criticized in the media. 20-year-old Billie Eilish knows what this is like from her own experience. The Grammy and Oscar winner has considered her body an enemy since the age of 11. But it seems that everything has changed for her this year.

10+ Mistakes to Avoid in Winter to Keep Your Body and Skin Safe

According to dermatologists, cold weather is a huge challenge for the body. The lower air temperatures we deal with in winter lead to dryness and the dehydration of the epidermis. Experts even have a name for it — “winter itch.” But sometimes, we make the situation worse ourselves. To avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again, we decided to find more about this problem.

How Sleeping with the Window Open or Closed Can Affect How You Look and Feel

The benefits of sleeping with the window open have been proven in quite a few studies: it makes it easier to fall asleep, and improves the quality of sleep itself. However, there are times when this option just isn’t suitable at all. After all, if there’s a noisy party going on outside your window at 3am, it’s unlikely to help you get a good night’s sleep. So it’s worth weighing up the pros and cons to choose the option that’s ideal for you.

6 Traits That We Inherit from Our Fathers

In biology class, we learned that we inherit 50% of our DNA from our mothers and 50% from our fathers. This biological fact, however, does not mean that each parent passes on an equal amount of physical characteristics and genetic characteristics to their child. In fact, children are 60% more likely to inherit active traits from their fathers simply because nature prefers to express those genes.

12 Ways to Remove Morning Puffiness and Look Well-Rested

Many people know that eating too much salt or fast-food in the evening are among the habits that can lead to morning puffiness. But in fact, even some of the seemingly healthier things about our routine can lead to puffiness. In this article, we’re going to tell you about the non-obvious things that cause puffiness and what to do to avoid it.

10 House Plants That Actually Help Us to Sleep Better

Most people notice that their mood improves when they’re surrounded by plants. And this is no surprise — it’s human nature. We have an innate connection with our surroundings (a term known as biophilia), which is why it’s so important to have green pets that we call houseplants, around you.

Why Taking Your Phone to the Toilet Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Nowadays, people’s attachment to their smartphones is crossing all boundaries. 73% of those surveyed admitted that they don’t part with their device, not even in the bathroom. And among young people under 30, the figure is even higher: 93%. Experts warn that this habit may be harmful to both mental and physical health. In this article, we will tell you what consequences can be expected by those who like to sit on their throne with a mobile device in hand.

19 Facts About Pregnancy That Would Even Stun a Gynecologist

What happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy is truly magical. In less than a year, a brain, a heart, and all the other organs are formed from two tiny reproductive cells, which keep becoming more complex and eventually grow into a separate organism. This organism is then born into the world and becomes a new person. We’ve compiled a selection of 19 facts that reveal the details of this remarkable period in a woman’s life.

9 Signs Your Face Is Starting to Age Faster Than It Should

While we accept the reality that our skin will age over time, it’s possible that signs of skin aging can already show up during our twenties. Most of these physical changes are harmless, but they can make us feel uncomfortable and even affect our confidence. Changing our lifestyle and habits as soon as we detect early signs of skin aging means we can enjoy our youthful looks for longer.

A 76-Year-Old Lady Could Hardly Climb the Stairs Before, and Now She Can Bench Press 80 Pounds

There is a stereotype that says we should make important decisions at a young age, while major changes later in life are definitely not a good idea. Luckily, there are people who prove that age shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your dreams. And the heroine of our article, Joan MacDonald, is one of them.

7 Body Features That Actually Are Totally Normal

Human beings create stereotypes and then may suffer from them later. Social media is full of photos of perfect Photoshopped bodies. Filters become normal in our life, but everyone is individual and special. You are imperfect, and you are beautiful.

6 Natural Methods That May Help to Prevent Facial Hair Growth

Having a little facial hair is common and normal. But in some cases, dark, coarse hair may appear on your face, and you might find yourself reaching for the tweezers on a nearly daily basis. This unpleasant condition is called hirsutism, and it’s often caused by a hormonal imbalance. Although waxing and laser hair removal can help to get rid of unwanted hair, there are some natural ways to reduce it that might be just as effective.

12 Things That Can Damage Your Teeth More Than Sugar

We spend more than 82 days brushing our teeth during our lifetime. However, brushing is not enough to protect them from all possible dangers. Swimming in a pool or nail biting, for example, are not as harmless for our teeth as we think. We decided to find out what things can damage our teeth, and we’ve put together a list of foods it’s best to exclude from our daily consumption.

13 Tips on How to Buy Takeout Food That Is Good for You

Once when you cook your own meals, you can be sure that your diet is healthy and balanced. But sometimes, we have too much stuff to do, so many people to meet, that we don’t have an extra hour to spend in the kitchen. So, we have to rely on takeout food.

14 Tricks That Can Help You Relieve Bloating and Avoid Embarrassment

Between 10% and 25% of healthy people struggle with occasional bloating. This usually happens because of a buildup of too much gas in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation or water retention in the body.

15 Famous Women Who Encourage People to Accept Themselves as They Are

We all look different and live different lives. But we all have wrinkles, weight fluctuations, scars, stretch marks, and dark spots. They are normal but we used to be ashamed of these natural things due to unrealistic beauty standards.