11 Practical Tips on Color Psychology That Will Help You to Always Be on Top of the World
For many people, it can be hard to decide what to wear on different occasions, like a job interview, a corporate party, or a first date. The most popular approach is to wear something that looks best on you. But it’s not always the optimal choice because sometimes the secret is to choose colors that will convey a certain message to other people.
People in black seem smarter.

Black is a color of luxury and refinement. It radiates an atmosphere of exclusivity and seriousness. What could be more luxurious than the famous little black dress from Chanel? According to studies, black is perceived as an indicator of prestige, power, seriousness, and high intelligence. However, since this color also symbolizes mourning and sadness in the West, you cannot wear all black from head to toe because it will make you look too formal. Experts also say that men who have a completely black dress code are expected to have a higher level of aggression.
People in white are more trustworthy.

In many cultures, white symbolizes purity and simplicity. However, when there’s too much, it can give a feeling of sterility and coldness, conveying detachment as well as perfectionism. Psychologists also claim that white can be perceived as a color of sincerity.
White can help you create an image of a person who is well-organized and in control of the situation. Since white perfectly conveys a sense of novelty and impeccability, it is a smart move to wear white for a presentation of a new project or for a meeting where you want to present innovative ideas.
Blue means you are reliable and confident.

There’s a reason why many airlines choose this shade for their staff uniforms. Scientists have found that dark shades of blue have a calming effect. Blue is often associated with intelligence, trust, efficiency, and serenity. Banks love to use this color in their identity, and we can find blue in the branding of social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Blue is well-suited for the corporate world and is often used in important meetings. Wear it to interviews and meetings with professionals who value loyalty and reliability above all else.
Yellow improves people’s moods.

Studies show that yellow increases serotonin production in the brain, speeds up metabolism, and improves mood. Yellow improves concentration, which is why it is often used in road signs and advertising. It is a warm and joyful color that creates a feeling of energy and playfulness, making it a great choice for more active people.
However, too much yellow can cause anxiety and nervousness, and increase the tendency toward confrontations, especially for those who are already stressed. Image consultants do not recommend wearing yellow for those who want to make an impression on men, as they often consider this color cheap and unsophisticated.
Purple helps show off.

Historically, this color has been associated with wealth and royal power. Later on, it was also perceived as a mystical, spiritual, and creative color. If you want to be seen as a strong, charismatic, and authoritative person, purple is an excellent choice. It’s a great alternative to black, but you’ll convey a more artistic flair.
Is it appropriate to wear purple to a job interview? Yes, if you’re looking for a managerial position in a creative environment and want to create an impression of an artistic person. If purple dominates your outfit, you’re more likely to get approved for a loan and get served faster in an expensive restaurant. However, if your workplace expects flexibility, loyalty, and modesty from you, it’s best to avoid this color.
Wear red if you want to look confident, not only during dates.

Red color always attracts attention and makes our hearts beat faster. In an experiment, American psychologists found that men asked women more personal and intimate questions when they were wearing red blouses, while French psychologists learned that men leave more tips to waitresses with red lipstick. If you want to enter a room and have all eyes on you, red is exactly what you need.
Wear red when you want to be persistent and radiate confidence in yourself and your attractiveness. If you’re going on a date, go for a red dress. If you want to lead your colleagues, ignite them with fiery speeches — go for red. However, set this color aside if you have a job interview, as some interviewers are not willing to hire people with such a strongly expressed individuality.
Don’t wear brown to job interviews.

Once, a company specializing in CV writing conducted a survey on the topic “What colors were you wearing when you successfully passed an interview?” The smallest percentage was for brown. And yet, it is a color of stability and safety, and it conveys a commitment to traditional values, resilience, and reliability. But as it turned out, a person wearing brown has the highest chance of failing an interview.
If there is nervousness and chaos in your environment, and you want to remain calm, wear brown. When going for a leisurely walk to enjoy solitude and being close to nature, choose clothing in such shades.
Orange helps get people to talk.

Orange is associated with warmth and enthusiasm — it brings energy and brightness to any social environment. If you’ve been invited to have fun and want to be the life of the party, wear orange. If you have a creative team and want to inspire creative ideas, add something of juicy orange color to your wardrobe. Orange predisposes people to conversation, making it a good color for extroverts and those who need to engage people in conversation, such as interviewers.
However, you should still consider that too much orange can create an impression of being a frivolous and superficial person, so don’t overdo it.
Want a raise? Wear green.

The general idea of the green color is associated with calmness and health because of its connection with nature. Green also symbolizes money, wealth, luck, and creativity. Therefore, if you want to get a raise or present a new idea at the next board meeting, green is the best color for you. In business, green is useful for anyone involved in health and for promoting natural, safe, and eco-friendly products.
Don’t wear pink for exams.

Pink is associated with femininity, romance, and care. It has a relaxing and calming effect. If you want to be perceived as a soft and empathetic person, wear pink. However, keep in mind that many people consider this color naive and silly. It can be assumed that a girl in pink is more likely to fail an exam if she encounters a biased teacher than one with the same level of preparation who wears, for example, black. So if you want to get a job related to intellectual achievements, it is worth choosing another color.
People in gray seem as reliable as a rock.

Gray and its shades are a symbol of calmness, stability, and maturity. Gray is considered a practical, cautious, and solid color. Because this shade is often chosen by older people, it is sometimes seen as a sign of conformity and apathy. Stylists believe that gray allows you to blend in and not draw too much attention to yourself. If you want to be seen as focused, willing to comply, and that you meticulously follow the rules at work, wear gray.