16 Celebrity Families That Chose Movie Careers From Generation to Generation
Family traditions often influence our career choices. There are families where every member is a doctor, and there are families of actors and directors. Maybe, it’s the talent passed on, maybe, it’s the surroundings and the atmosphere, but the fact still stands. Over the past 100 years, the entire creative dynasties have formed in Hollywood.
We at CHEERY really love watching young actors continue the work of their parents. It’s amazing, but some famous ancestors of today’s stars even worked in silent films.
Blythe Danner and her daughter Gwyneth Paltrow.
Jeremy Irons and his son Max Irons.
John Barrymore and his granddaughter Drew Barrymore.

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Ethan Hawke and his daughter Maya Hawke.

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Donald Sutherland and his son Kiefer Sutherland.

East News
Martin Sheen and his son Charlie Sheen.

East News
Kirk Douglas and his son Michael Douglas.

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Bryce Dallas Howard and her father Ron Howard.

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Francis Ford Coppola and his daughter Sofia Coppola.

Meg Ryan and her son Jack Quaid.

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Carrie Fisher, her mom Debbie Reynolds and her daughter Billie Lourd.

Byron Purvis / AdMedia / East News
Stellan Skarsgård and his sons Alexander, Bill and Gustaf Skarsgård.

Lisa Bonet, Lenny Kravitz and their daughter Zoe Kravitz.

Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / East News, ANGELA WEISS/AFP/East News
Henry Fonda and Jane Fonda.

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Peggy Lipton and her daughter Rashida Jones.

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Jennifer Aniston and her father John Aniston.

AP/East News
Are you pursuing the same career as your parents, or did you choose your own way? What career path have your kids selected or want to select?
Preview photo credit Sylvia / BBC Films and co-producers
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