
18 Acting Duos Whose Age Difference Didn’t Stop Them From Playing a Harmonious Pair of Lovers

In the history of cinema, there are quite a few movie couples that have become iconic. Millions of viewers rooted for them. Edward and Vivian from Pretty Woman, Alan and Ellie from Jurassic Park, Ted and Tilly in The Dressmaker. Aside from fans’ love, there’s one more thing these couples have in common—a big age difference. For example, Richard Gere was 18 years older than Julia Roberts, and Kate Winslet is 15 years older than Liam Hemsworth.

We at CHEERY decided to find out how old the actors and actresses that portrayed our favorite couples were.

In which of these duos do you think the age difference is negligible, and in which, totally obvious?

Cheery/Films/18 Acting Duos Whose Age Difference Didn’t Stop Them From Playing a Harmonious Pair of Lovers
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