20+ People Who Met a Celebrity and Had an Experience They’ll Remember for Years to Come
Meeting a celebrity, let alone your idol, seems to many as unlikely an event as winning the lottery. However, some of us are lucky enough to have met world-famous stars in person, sometimes under completely unforeseen circumstances. And as we can see from the bonus entries in this compilation, some interactions with celebrities are sure to be remembered for a lifetime.
1. «Met Keanu Reeves while riding today.»
2. «Buddy of mine ran into Aubrey Plaza. She asked if he wanted to watch her pick up dog poop.»
3. «I met Paul Rudd this weekend. Sorry Paul.»
4. “I met Liam Neeson a few days ago. Lifelong dream fulfilled.”
5. «I met Jim Carrey!»
- You look more like Jim Carrey than Jim Carrey. © MCMLXXX / Imgur
6. «Met Robert Patrick at Steel City Con and got his autograph on my collectible figure.»
7. «I met the great Hello There himself.»
8. «Ran into Craig Robinson at Best Buy.»
9. «So my friend dressed up as Buddy the Elf for a Halloween party and ran into this guy on campus.»
10. «Today I’ve met Hide the Pain Harold.»
11. «Throwback to the Time I met Tom Holland and we recreated the meme.»
12. «My Mom met Nicolas Cage in LA.»
13. «Ran into a guardian of the galaxy at the Home Depot.»
14. «I met Kevin Bacon!»
15. «Met my idols — Oscar Nuñez and Brian Baumgartner from The Office.»
16. «The lucky day I met Danny Glover.»
17. “My pal was running around in Los Feliz, CA, and ran into a gentleman that confiscated his phone. He told them ’I’m taking control of this situation. Utterly.’”
18. «My friend ran into Dave Grohl from Nirvana at a Michaels Craft Store.»
19. «Met Mantis. Great experience, Pom is so funny in person.»
20. «Ran into John Goodman at work the other day.»
21. «I ran into Lil Dicky crushing a burrito at 9 in the morning and he was nice enough to take a picture with me. Made my day.»
Bonus 1. «I met Meryl Streep. She introduced herself to a few of us as we were working. When she said «Hi, I’m Meryl» to me all I could muster was «I’m just with the caterers.»

Invision/Invision/East News
“She leaned in and quietly replied, ’I’d rather be with the caterers.’”
Bonus 2. “I saw Lionel Richie eating alone in LA and walked to his table. He said ’Hello’ and then stared at me while I decided NOT to yell ’Is it me you’re looking for?’”

Bonus 3. «Literally just last weekend I met Jonah Hill and I was so nervous I called him Seth Rogen.»

Invision/Invision/East News
“Then I asked him for a pic and he was like ’You don’t have to get a picture with me if I’m not who you think I am, I don’t want you to be disappointed.’”
Bonus 4. “Turned around to Bill Murray directly behind me on the escalator at the Charlotte airport. 10 minute convo. Then I saw him again the next day in downtown Charlotte. He yelled my name and said ‘You made it!’”

Have you ever met your idol, or any other celebrity? Were they how you imagined them to be?
Preview photo credit Invision/Invision/East News
Cheery/Films/20+ People Who Met a Celebrity and Had an Experience They’ll Remember for Years to Come
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